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"Wait, is this the friend you were talking about that brought you food?" Tommy asks.

"Yeah, she usually gets hungry during my streams and raids my kitchen, but this time I guess she wanted McDonalds." Tubbo responds with a shrug.

"Hey, my stomach was making the rumblies that only nuggs could satisfy." Naomi tells Tubbo. (I love you if you got that reference)

"You need to stop saying that EVERY TIME you get hungry." Tubbo tells her, turning in his chair to face Naomi.

"But every time I say it, its trueeeee." She whines out.

"Can you guys be any cuter?" Bad cooed.

"Yes." The two say together, not even thinking.

It was more of a rhetorical question, but they answered anyway. Most of the time when they're "arguing" the couple don't pick up on cues like that.

Another minute of their banter goes by, and his friends finally stop them to ask questions.

"Okay, okay. We have questions." George interrupts.

The rest of the group agrees and start to question the couple.

"How long have you two been together?"

"Why didn't you tell us you had a girlfriend?"

"When did you meet?"

"How did you meet?"

The two were trying to answer as many questions as possible, but everyone was talking over one another; all eager to know more about their friends secret girlfriend.

"We've been together for a few months, but we've known each other for almost 3 years."

"I didn't tell you because I didn't know how to or when the right time would be."

"We met at school, we had the same teacher."

"Toby tripped and accidentally took me down with him. That was our first official meeting, it was on the third day of school."

The call went quiet after Naomi spoke, mostly because they were still processing their friend, that they've known for a while, even had a girlfriend.

Naomi and Tubbo look at each other, silently saying that this was, in fact, awkward. They didn't know what to say and hoped his friends would start making this less-awkward, but they knew that they probably won't.

"Okayyyy, well I got to go. I'll talk to you guys later." She gives Tubbo a kiss before promptly walking out of his room and down the stairs, probably to converse with Lani or Tubbo's parents.

"So, Tubbo." Tommy starts.

"Yeah?" Tubbo asks.

"When will we actually meet her, like, in real life?" He asks.

Tubbo panics, trying to come up with an excuse as to why they can't meet her. Having a great one in mind, he responds.

"She, uh, doesn't meet up with people she doesn't know." Tubbo says, feeling proud he actually came up with a decent excuse that is plausible.

"Well, then let's get to know her. Maybe she'll want to meet up then." Wilbur states happily.

'Fuck' Tubbo face palms.

"Yeah, that could work." He meekly replies.



This one was super short, and kinda shit, but I didn't really know what to do. I just wanted to get out a chapter of this book.

The next chapter might be out in a couple days or a week, it all depends.

And thank you @gogyandranboo for commenting


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