Part 4: Now that I See You

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You sat on your desk lit by candlelight in the advisor's room as the hours grew late scribbling away at your notes on all of the guest lists for that night's dance. Last night you had no idea Asra had intended to spread the word about Muriel's need for a strategic marriage alliance. But now that the word was out there would be dozens of courtiers who would be willing to enter into the agreement. So it would be good to review the guests once again for potential suitors. You had been so shaken the night before, you must have missed some.

Crown Princess Verita Mistico from the Kingdom of Bellcosa was a potential option. She was beautiful and came from a powerful land. The Prakran Princesses who were still single showed no interest in marriage, but you thought to get Nadia's opinion on the matter. The Prince of Zadith could be a good choice even though he was practically a myth, his name was always on the guest list but few had ever seen him.

For the rest of the afternoon, you looked at maps and family trees for good titles, your searches even counted the inhabitants across the Sea of Persephia, which was a great distance from the Steppe. But you hoped that anything you could find would help the tall dark Prince.

Hours flew by and for that, you were thankful, the faster time passed as you worked the less time you had to think about your journey back to the Palace.

You two had walked through the forests and to the secret roads that would lead directly into the Palace's gardens chatting idly.

"I forgot to ask." The Prince had said. "Who helped us back there? And how does a well-respected advisor, like you, know pirates?"

"Oh!" you exclaimed shyly. "It's not a very interesting story, I'm afraid. Mazelinka the Pirate Queen is acquainted with the Grand Duke of Nevinon and his sister." You explained thinking back to your first meeting. "One masquerade, some years ago, she came bursting in the doors of the palace with her crew in tow bringing exotic food from all over the continent. Even some rare crab arms from the Crabmen Tribes from the pole. She had not been invited but she made an entrance anyway. I'm not quite sure how the Devoraks came to know her but ever since then, she has stopped by Vesuvia for some less-than-reputable dealings. Prince Asra even went traveling with her one summer, while I was studying at the royal academy."

Muriel chuckled softly, completely able to picture what you had just described. "So... you are well acquainted with the Devoraks?" He'd asked tentatively.

You could see the towers of the palace above the foliage and you knew that in a few more minutes you would be delivering the prince to the court and by extension to those who would court him.

"I don't know if I'd say I'm well acquainted, my rank doesn't allow for that," you said nervously fidgeting with the fabric of your sleeves. "But I have interacted with them enough times to know their characters." You said. "They often visit on holidays and upon Prince Asra's request."

"I see," he said thoughtfully, looking like he wanted to ask more. "What is she like? The Duchess?"

Of course. It was only natural he wanted to know more about her. They would be the perfect match, an alliance, and that thought pierced your heart.

"She's lovely." You said honestly looking towards the horizon. "She's funny and sweet and adventurous. She's caring and beautiful and funny and... and-" You stopped yourself knowing you should have gone on singing her praises, but it was too much. "...And I think she'll be a great match for you." You finished looking at him with your best-forced smile.

The Prince opened his mouth to speak, but you interrupted him pointing to the bridge that led to the palace. "We're nearly there!" and just a few moments later you were crossing the gardens and into the palace's side doors.

The Prince from the South {Muriel x reader Royalty AU}Where stories live. Discover now