Chapter 7: The Key

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     I awoke to the sun shining brightly overhead, the unforgiving ground hard beneath me. I'd stayed deep in the field without moving since last night, the woman and her companions stopped looking for me after a few hours and left right before sunrise. As I roused, Bevan, who I had been using as a pillow stirred awake and whined quietly. I knew deep down the intruders had taken Ragnar to The Sorrows but where the hell was that. The woman in my dreams told him to
stay away, and now some mystery kidnappers had taken my uncle there? My only remaining family. What the actual fuck was happening?
" Come on Bevan, let's head back to the house," I rasped. I stood on uneasy legs, and heard a car coming down the driveway and crouched in the grass again quickly. I listened for the sound of voices, and when I heard Cade and Kane bickering as they got out of the car, sighed a breath of relief. I made my way back to the house, the twins looked over at me coming out of the field and gave a puzzled look.
     " Bro, why do you look like you slept on the ground, and why are you coming out of the field?" Kane asked with a chuckle. Bevan raced over to greet the boys before trotting inside the house. I slowly jogged over towards the boys, and didn't within ten feet of them before I felt all my pent up emotions hit me like a train. I collapsed in a wreck of silent sobs in front of the twins. Cade and Kane exchanged confused looks before the knelt with me and held me until my cries subsided.
Once I'd composed myself again, we slowly made our way into the house. When we walked through the door I heard Kane curse quietly behind me as they beheld what had happened to the house. The couch was flipped with cushions thrown everywhere, the tv was smashed along with all the pictures on their walls. Their kitchen table had been flipped over and their chairs thrown into the hallway. Their cabinets were raided, almost all the dishes shattered. I could feel the tears burning my eyes but I blinked them away quickly. I closed my eyes and took a deep breath.
" What the hell happened man? Where is Nar?" Cade half shouted at me before running through the house yelling for my uncle.
" You won't find him here," I said softly. " He was taken last night, that's why Bevan and I were in the field." The twins exchanged looks before they helped me right the kitchen table and grab the chairs from the hall. Once we were all seated, I began to explain what happened the previous night, voice shaking and chin quivering. Once I had finished, I looked up at the twins.
" Say something," I whispered as they stared at me, dumbfounded. Kane quickly stood up and pulled his phone out of his pocket, and I quickly shot to my feet and snatched it out of his hand. " You can't call the police, these people weren't normal."
" What the hell do you mean they weren't normal?" Cade shouted, " Do you know how insane that sounds? You have to call the police. Now. Before these psychos do something to your uncle."
" The police won't be able to help me, trust me. I don't know how I know, I just do okay? Please just trust me." I said firmly. The twins look at me like I was insane, and maybe I was but I had this gut feeling that this was something only he knew how to do. Kane and Cade looked at each other for a moment before they turned to me again,
    " We trust you Adron, as crazy as it all sounds we trust your judgement, but if things start to go sideways-" Cade was interrupted by a loud whine coming from down the hall. We looked down the narrow hall and saw Bevan sitting outside Ragnar's office scratching at the door. " What is it boy?" Cade shouted down the hall. Bevan ran to my feet and spun in circles before he began whining again, much louder this time. Bevan bolted back to Ragnars office and began jumping on the door.
     " What the hell is wrong with you Bevan, we don't have time for this right now," I shouted at the boxer angrily, but this only seemed to make Bevan more inclined. He started barking loud enough to hurt our ears, he took off in a dead sprint headed straight for me, and tackled me to the ground. I smacked my head painfully off of the hardwood floor, bits of glass cutting into my back" What the fuck Bevan?" I yelled, but was cut off by Bevan standing over my face viciously growling at me. What the hell had gotten into this dog?
      I pushed Bevan off of me only to watch him run back to my Uncles office door and sit quietly. Confused I walked down the hall to where Bevan was sitting and tried to open the door. Of course, it was locked. Like always. I swatted Bevan on the head for disturbing us, and turned back to talk to the twins about a game plan, but stopped short when Bevan began growling again. When I turned around to face my dog again, I saw a light reflecting off of Bevans collar. That's weird, he doesn't have on any tags.
       I slowly knelt down and whistled to call over Bevan, and he trotted over and sat down in front of me, patiently waiting. When I began to feel around the front of Bevans collar, a small silver key fell out from behind it. It was hooked to a small chain that was connected to his collar. I glanced back to see the twins watching me intently as I pulled the key free of Bevans collar.
    " What do you think that goes to?" Kane said sarcastically. Bevan began barking as I stood up, and ran back to the office door. I motioned for the twins to follow me down the hall as I walked slowly to my uncles office and slid the key into the lock. Click. The door unlocked. I slowly turned the knob and opened the door. Bevan burst through the door, running circles around the room like a crazed animal. I have never been inside this room before and now I understood why. My uncle, was fucking crazy.
    Covering every wall of the room, were descriptions and pictures different creatures and something called Fae, and the place the chained woman had told him about, The Sorrows. Cade, Kane and I fanned out looking at everything Ragnar had put up. I heard the twins whispering but tuned them out as I beheld the page on the wall in front of him.

      The Kings Shadows ( The Four) :
August 15, 2010; 5 days into the human world.     
Possible people looking for us:
     A group of the Four deadliest assassins The Sorrows have ever known. Their kill count is in the near 500's.
       Their leader: Morana ( Born is Skutger, parents killed by a Nok when she was 6. ) Brought up by a group of hunters and brought to the palace at 15 to work with the Kings original 3 due to her unique skill set, at 17 she was commanded to kill Adron. Powers include: Umbraportation, & Shadow manipulation . Her kill count is somewhere in the 50s.
      Second in Command: Tiordan ( 215 years old.) One of the Kings most trusted assassins for the past 10 years. Brought to the palace to kill Adron due to his unique skill set. Powers include, Shadow manipulation, & Sound manipulation. His kill count is somewhere in the 150 range.
      Third in Command: Callum (215 years old.) One of the Kings most trusted spies for the past 10 years. Brought to the palace to spy on the queen and help in Adrons assassination. Powers include: Enhanced hearing, Telepathy, Telekinesis & Sound Manipulation. His kill count is in the low 100s.
      Fourth in Command: Deron ( 215 years old.) The Kings personal Mage. Possibly the most powerful, but has been passed over due to his humanity. Has been working for the King for 50 years. He was to help with Adrons assasination. Powers include: Everything. His kill count is in low 200 range.
     The Kings Shadows have been credited with over a dozen political assasinations, on behalf of Kind Aeron.
Tiordan, Callum, and Deron are triplets. Identified as such: Tiordan has stark white hair and silver eyes, with dark chocolate colored skin.
Callum has deep red hair and eyes, and dark chocolate colored skin.
Deron has jet black hair and bright blue eyes, and dark chocolate colored skin.
Morana has coiled dark brown hair, freckles and a thin white scar on her cheek. She has one golden and one green eye.
      " Hey, Adron," Kane's voice pulled me out of the trance and I slowly turned to look at my friends. My mind still trying to wrap around everything I just read. These were the people that kidnapped my Uncle. The supposed most deadly assassins Ragnar had ever come across. "We think we found something on that Sorrows place you were telling us about."
    " Tell me. We need to get Ragnar, now."
    Cade began, "well we found something about a portal to The Sorrows and a picture of a creepy looking oak tree in the middle of a field." My head snapped up when he mentioned the oak tree.
    "Show me the picture of the tree," I said walking over to the twins. I snatched the picture, a little harder than I meant to and shot my friend an apologetic look. When I looked at the photo, I instantly knew exactly what we were looking at. Ragnar and I had picnics under this oak tree once a year every year until I turned 16. When he gifted my my fathers flannel. I smiled to himself, and knew where we had to go to get Ragnar back.
     I looked up at my friends and stated quietly but not weakly, " We have some work to do."

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