Chapter 3

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Chloe's POV

I look out at the football field and can't believe Jamie is really doing this. I find a seat on the bleachers along with the others who want to watch try outs. The coach blows the whistle and the guys gather around him. I can't quite hear what the coach is saying but soon afterward, the guys scatter and get into a line at the end of the field.

The first one up is Luke. He runs down the field and catches the ball that someone threw.

Coach blows the whistle again and I see Jamie take off running. He actually runs pretty fast. When he gets to the fifty the guy throws the ball to him. I cross my fingers and pray that he catches it. Thankfully he catches it. He runs back to the end of the line and I stand up, waving. I give a thumbs up. I'm so proud of him.

Maybe, he might somehow make it on the team.

That hope was abruptly squashed as soon as I saw the seniors walk up. No offense to Jamie, but there is no way he could beat these guys. I watch coach talk to the guys, probably telling them what to do, and I instantly see Jamie tense up. Luke is at the front of the line so he goes first. He runs out and when he gets open someone throws the ball. Luke catches it with ease and keeps running to the end of the field.

Eventually he gets tackled and it looks like it hurts, but he just get up and dusts himself off. When Jamie steps up for his turn I cross my fingers and start to pray again.

Jamie takes off running and easily breaks away. The ball flies through the air. He catches the ball and keeps running, but one of the seniors is quickly catching up. I watch painfully as Jamie gets pummeled by the guy.

I start running down the stairs. It seems like I can't get there fast enough. Gosh dangit! Why are there so many stairs?!

Jamie's POV

I lace up my shoes and walk on to the field. Luke sees me and starts walking towards me.

"Hey, since when did you decide to try-out?"

I'm deciding whether or not to answer him when Coach blows the whistle.

"Welcome to football try-outs! Today you will do a few simple drills. I'll observe and eliminate a few of you after each drill until I have the this year's new football team. Now line up boys!"

We hustle over to the 5 yrd line and wait for more instructions. Coach walks over with a senior that I've never seen before."I will blow the whistle and you'll take off down the field. Trevor here will throw it to you when you get to the 50 yrd line. Let's go boys! Who wants to go first?"

I see Luke step up to the front of the line.

Coach blows the whistle and Luke takes off. He quickly reaches the 50 and Trevor throws the ball in a perfect arc. Luke easily catches it and runs it back to us. Coach pats him on the back."Nice work."

"Thanks." he says and goes to the back of the line. It actually didn't look that hard. I bet you I could do it too. I step up to be next in line. I hear the whistle and start to run. When I cross the 50 I look back and see the ball fly towards me in another perfect throw. I stretch out my arms and........

I feel the ball in my arms and clutch it close to my chest. Yes!!!! I caught it! I jog back to the group, proud and glad that I didn't humiliate myself on the first drill. I hand over the ball to Trevor and get to the back of the line. Out of the corner of my eye I see a figure in the stands. I turn my head to see Chloe standing up and waving like an idiot. She gives me a thumbs up and I do the same back.

The rest of the line does the drill before Coach give us different directions. "Now you will do the same thing, but with some of the seniors as defense." A pang of fear shoots through me as I look at the seniors. They are all easily twice as big as me.

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