Chapter 2

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🎧 | Kiwi - Harry Styles

Harry's POV

"They're joking, right?" I asked Zayn in disbelief. "Leo's Angels? That's the modelling company we're working for?"

"I mean, it's been the highest-ranked modelling company for the past five years according to Google," Zayn shrugged before lowering his voice. "It makes sense why they sent us to the most popular one."

"Yeah you're right," I sighed, looking out the window.

We were in an Uber but we hadn't moved for the past five minutes due to the fucking New York traffic.

And I thought English streets were bad.

"This is gonna be great honestly," I laughed, making sure I was out of earshot from the driver when I spoke again.

"The Mafia has a fucking twisted sense of humour," I whispered, making Zayn laugh beside me when I added, "they basically see me as a holy creature, God bless."

Each year, Leo's Angels apparently held an event before the start of Fashion Week to welcome their new models to the industry and to celebrate their existing ones. Earlier in the day, makeup artists had come by Zayn and I's hotel suite to get us ready and leave us outfits. It was weird to have someone pick out the things we'd wear but the stylists did a decent job of choosing our clothes.

We'd been warned paparazzi would also be here but were less likely to focus on us until the end of the event, where all the models were photographed. Unlike Zayn, I loved the attention and craved it a lot. I had no problems making new friends wherever we were assigned, which meant it was mostly up to me to create relationships with others for information.

Mr. Introvert beside me mostly was the brains of the mission. Zayn's hacking skills were beyond my understanding and was one of the major reasons he'd caught the Mafia's attention quickly.

"You realise we'll be under the spotlight later?" I teased him, making him respond with a middle finger.

"I know that, shithead," he answered grumpily, "you don't need to remind me."

While he was wearing a blue shirt with white, abstract animals printed on it, I was wearing a Gucci floral top. We had the same white trousers but our accessories differed. Zayn was obsessed with earrings and tonight he had silver ones on unlike me. I'd just opted for my signature cross, the pendant hanging on my bare chest as my first few buttons were open.

Heavy coats covered the clothes but we'd take them off later when we would arrive.

Our destination was near and we paid the driver and got out, standing in front of the huge building. Golden lights hung from the entrance over the people entering, a fusion of cameras and people everywhere. My eyes took time to adjust to all the silver flashes, right before a man approached us, seemingly only a few years older than us.

"Alejandro Leo," he greeted us, shaking both of me and Zayn's hands, "you must be my new models. Zayn and Harry, right? It's lovely to see more male faces around, especially since more boys like you have dismissed society's opinions over men in this industry."

"Of course," I said, "if I always gave a fuck about what people think, I'd never be comfortable in my skin."

"Spoken like a true model," Alejandro said, smiling as he raised his glass towards me in agreement.

Zayn and I chatted with him a bit while we scanned our surroundings, trying to make sense of this new environment. Upon first glances, I wasn't sure how I felt about Alejandro.

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