Chapter Ten: Pretend

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Knock Knock
Angie knocked on Violettas bedroom door, trying to come in to start their first lesson. When Violetta didn't respond, she just opened the door.
"Vilu, what's wrong?" Angie asked.
Violetta sat up and stared at her. She glared tears running. Down her face.
"Everything's wrong." She said, angrily.
"What do you-"
"You lied to me Angie! You lied to me and my father lied to me and everyone's been lying to me this whole time. I didn't know I had an
Aunt since dad didn't tell me and you clearly don't want to be my aunt because if you did you would have told me! So that I knew we were family! I can't believe you! I want you to leave my room! Just go away Angie and don't come back I never want to see you again!"
By now Angie was crying too. Giant streams of tears ran down her face. "I'm sorry" she whispered.
"Just go!" Violetta shouted.
German saw Angie crying. "What's wrong Angie?" He asked.
"You should check up on Vilu more than me." She said, and then she left.
"Violetta!" German said, pounding on her bedroom door. "Let me in."
Violetta opened the door and German took in the sight of her glaring, tears streaming down her face. "I can't believe you never told me I have an aunt!" She cried, "Angies my aunt and you never told me!"
"Violetta," he said soothingly, "Angies not your aunt, did she say she was?"
"No i-" she didn't want to get Fede in trouble for something he didn't mean to do.
"I read it in her diary, moms I mean, that she had a sister, who was blonde like Angie, who went by the name Angie."
"Angeles." German said.
"So I do have an aunt! Dad how could you not tell me?!"
"I- I just-"
"Just go!"
And German walked out of the room, nearly crying, for his daughter had never been this mad at him.

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