vi. vengeful shadows

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A serene figure lay nestled in the embrace of a sumptuous bed, wrapped in bandages of once-tender wounds. 

As the pianist gradually emerged from her sleep, her fingers, once still, moved ever so slightly.

The bed cradled her frame with layers of thick blankets. Slowly, she heaved herself up, her gaze exploring the unfamiliar walls of the bedroom around her.

As she squinted, adjusting to the newfound vision, the room unveiled itself.

To her right, majestic windows framed a breathtaking scene of a koi pond, an inviting gazebo, and a vast courtyard that sprawled beyond the windowsill. 

She marvelled at the spectacular scene; however, the knowledge that she was safe inside a particular house did not once ease her troubled heart.

This was not her bedroom. 

The initial relief that went to her instantly vanished. "Where am I this time?" Then the memories before she lost her consciousness went back, piece by piece, and a series of images flooded her mind.

The darkness that consumed her when she woke up in a desolate cave, the threat of capture, and the rhythmic echoes of her footsteps against the stone. And then a man with locks of blonde, a saviour who intervened.

Yeosang. She instantly recalled his name.

But what wretched the silence inside the room were faint footsteps approaching the rosewood door.

The door slammed open, revealing a young woman. Her short black hair reached the tips of her shoulder blades and her green eyes seemed to represent the fragments of tadpoles. She looks mesmerizing, only if it weren't for her bloodshot eyes.

The newcomer, seeing that the figure on the bed had finally awoken, widened her gaze in surprise.

"Young miss!" She cried out, rushing into Jangmi's side.

"Young miss?" The pianist softly repeated in a baffled manner.

Quickly pulling a wooden stool towards the side of the bed next to her, the newcomer gently held her ice-cold hands. 

"Young Miss, does it hurt anywhere? Shall we call the estate physician?" She started bombarding, and Jangmi only shook her head, still confused.

The girl then sighed in relief. "Young miss, did you know you were missing for three days? And when you were finally found, you lost consciousness again and slept for almost two days! Don't worry, Yeosang is already investigating the cause of your disappearance, but I am very suspicious your adopted sisters are the people behind it!

Young Miss, you have no idea how I and other servants are worried about you! We thought that you were about to die! Don't worry about that stupid Crown Prince anyway, he never deserved such a beauty like you!" The newcomer wept, and Jangmi, from the beginning, still hadn't voiced a word as she listened to the girl with confusion.

"Water..." Jangmi weakly murmured, making the newcomer hastily reach for the water situated on the bedside.

The pianist wiped the edges of her lips after she gulped it dry. Then, that was the moment she finally decided to speak. "My brother? Where is he?" 

Hearing her words, there was a palpable silence that dawned on them when the forest-eyed girl lowered her head, a flicker of sadness on her face.

"Young miss..." The latter shook her head with sullen eyes. "Hongjoong has been dead for 2 years already."

Red String (Series #1) \\ Ateez ✔Where stories live. Discover now