Syllabus Week Part One

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     "¿Por qué Kahn hacer que me quede hasta ayer por la noche?" Laurel Castillo whispered under her breath as she walked into the auditorium style classroom. She was in her first year of law school, eager to get this pre-requisite class under her belt. 
     101, Criminal Law with Professor Keating. The women whom Laurel presumed to be Keating walked down the steps.  Laurel checked her phone one last time to see a nice message from Kahn, her boyfriend of a few weeks. He was a third year law student currently, working in Legal Aid. She was about to respond when The women in the front of the class began to speak. 
     “Welcome to Criminal Law 100, or as I like to call it…” she turned to the board and picked up the chalk. spelling out she wrote and spoke at the same time. “How To Get Away With Murder.” Laurel placed her head on the back of her seat, she was not taken a back by Professor Keating’s name of the class. She was seated in the middle of the class, not the front, and not the way back.
      Keating went on and on about the basics of the class. Laurel had zoned out not listening, she already knew from reading the syllabus over and over, the basis of the class and what they would be studying. 
     When Laurel focused in, she realized Professor Keating was interrogating a student about a common law term, Mens Rea and how it related to the current case study. The student, a young, fresh out of undergrad man was crumbling in her hand, Too scared to answer and trying to use the excuse of being on the wait list to get out of it. Laurel watched in disbelief as Keating continued to press. It was not long before the whole classes’ eyes were on her. 
     “To kill.” her words filled a room that otherwise would have heard a pin drop. without turning around she was asked to stand by the professor. standing, she felt naked in a crowded room, however she continued her thought. “ Her Mans Rea, or intent was to kill.” Keating nodded sternly, and when Laurel was expecting praise, said:
     “Never take a learning opportunity away from another student, no matter how smart you want everyone to think you are.” Laurel sat back down in disbelief. This was going to be a long semester.
      And then something happened that no one expected. Professor Keating invited the entire class to her office and home to meet with the client in discussion. 

        Laurel listened carefully to her story. Gina, the defendant was accused of giving her husband a ton of aspirin, which he was allergic to. Her claim to not doing it? Never ending love for the man. Laurel instantly felt her mind switch to the guilty verdict. following her exit, Professor Keating took the floor. “You all have one day to prepare an argument for the trial. No two students may have the same case.” “Mr. Gibbins” the man she had tortured earlier in class stood quickly. “you will go last. You may use all of my resources here in this location as well as the two people who know me better then i know myself.”
        Laurel turned to see a man with a stocky beard and piercing green eyes. She looked down listening to every word, her mind was else where. He looked familiar to her. 
        “My name’s Frank and unlike every teacher you’ve had, i do believe there are stupid questions. when they come to your mind please send them towards my co-assosicate Bonnie.”
Laurel didn’t hear what was said next, she could only find herself staring into those green eyes of this Frank Character. 
        Professor Keating go her attention once more. “This assignment helps me decide which students will come work for me. There will be four. the top student will receive a trophy, an immunity idol, allowing them an out on the final exam. Now Go.”
        Laurel felt the world around her suddenly shake with the excitement and fear of her fellow students. While it startled her, she got to work, she wasn’t a show off for anything.

        Laurel found herself using everything Professor Keating had to offer except for the two associates. For one, Bonnie scared her, she had seen her sternly tell off some of the students. Frank on the other hand, had those mysterious eyes that she could see herself getting lost in and she couldn't lose the fact that he looked so familiar. She pushed herself not to think about it and returned to reading. Looking at the clock she realized it was close to midnight and she had nothing unique to win. 
        Laurel felt the couch sink in from weight sitting now. Not looking up, she assumed it was another student. “You know, you are determined.” a male voice said. Laurel found herself looking up into those beautiful…wait she meant green eyes of Frank. 
        “What do you mean, i’m not the only one here…” Laurel said quietly, as other students made their way out of the house and on their way home.
        “yeah but you are one of the last.” He leaned in, coffee on his breath and whispered “Look use the socioeconomic poll of the Jury. She won’t see that coming, and she is pretty smart.” Laurel turned her face only to see his a few inches from hers, him staring at her lips as if expecting a thank you of some sort and suddenly, it all flooded back to her, why this frank character looked so familar.
        “I don’t need your help.” Laurel said point blank and she stood and gathered her belongings and walked out the door. Shutting it quietly behind her she turned and walked down the steps. taking one last glance at the house she knew she was ready for tomorrow, with or without Frank’s help. 
        Frank was screwed. he felt his heart beating fast through his three piece suit. Trying to ignore it, he stood and went towards the kitchen for more coffee, but how could he forget such a girl like that?
        “Stay away Frank.” Bonnie said point blank. 
        “I don’t know what you are talking about.” Frank responded with a smirk hidden under his beard. 


Thank you for reading! i figured I would create a Flaurel fan fiction since no one else really has. I will update in a few days. again I hope you enjoyed it and sorry for any misspellings. 


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