Drunken Flashbacks

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August 2nd

Laurel had moved to Philadelphia with hope of starting a new. Her family was difficult, to say the least about her going to law school, but she didn’t care, she was finally doing something that she wanted to do for a long time, but had ignored do to her family’s dream she become a doctor. 

“One More” She asked the bartender. she was by herself at a bar, in a city she did not know. her goal, to wash away her old self, the Brown University girl she once was. She hated the goody too shoes vibe she got from others when she mentioned her almamater. 

"That's on me" a mysterious voice said next to her. "And make it two". 

Laurel turned slightly to the man standing next to her. She lived right near Middleton University and expected it to be a frat boy trying to hit on her, but what she saw surprised her. A nicely tailored suit was situated on the shoulders of a tall muscular, bearded man. His thick hair was slicked back. And his green eyes shown through the colors of the bar. Laurel felt herself swoon that someone of his looks would be interested in buying her a drink. 

The bartender brought over two beers. Laurel grabbed hers with haste and took a big gulp. “Man what's the rush?" He said. His Philly accent helped her pin point where he was from in an instant...south Philly. She had known someone at Brown with the same thick accent. Laurel decided not to answer and continue drinking. She couldn’t handle any men at the moment, especially those who made her swoon.

But the man kept pressing. “What is your name?” “I’m Frank.” 

“Laurel”. She answered, focusing on her beer. She wanted to feel herself get wasted. She didn’t care about the consequences. 

“Well Laurel, I like a girl who knows how to hold her own when drinking.” He said. Laurel felt him moving closer to her and she didn’t care. She was done putting her walls up when it came to people, that was a Brown thing she wished to forget.

Laurel gave him the side eye. “Look i’m not here to go home with someone. I’m here to drink.” she said point blank. 

“So am I.” “Bartender, two more.” Frank said while taking the empty bar stool next to her. 

In the next 2 hours, Laurel lost herself. She felt like she was floating…with her new drinking buddy. Completely wasted, she realized she had to use the bathroom. Stumbling out of her chair, Frank grabbed her shoulder to steady her. “Where do  you need to go?” he asked “Do you need a cab?” 

“No I need to, need to use the bathroom.” She stumbled over her words. Frank stood up, put a wad of cash on the counter and helped her up. “Come on, lets go. I’ll help you there.” 

“I don’t need your help.” Laurel said as she stumbled to the hallway that held the bathroom. Frank, concerned followed and waited outside of the door. He could hold his alcohol, obviously more then she could. Being an man helped sometimes. 

Inside the bathroom, Laurel splashed water in her face. She had a feeling that Frank was standing outside the door and knew she had changed her drunken mind. Patting her chin dry, She looked in the mirror. Accepting her drunken state and mediocre appearance, she threw out her paper towel and headed for the door. 

Frank looked up when he heard the door open. She stumbled out in the most beautiful way. He knew he had to get her home safe. “Come on lets go get you a cab.” 

Waiting outside, Laurel felt herself leaning on Frank, his strong arms were wrapped around her shoulder, he felt protective. Laurel had never had a protective man in her life. Her father worked considerably late for most of her childhood, and was rarely around. Her brother-in-laws, while they came into her life later on, were seen as protective but were rarely around as well. 

Frank hailed a cab and placed Laurel in the backseat. He leaned in the window to tell the driver where to go. At one point she had given him her address, though she didn’t remember it. The fact that he was not taking advantage of her, by getting in the cab with her, made Laurel want him even more. Before the cab driver had a second to navigate his route, Laurel rolled down the back window and looked at Frank. Without saying a word, he got in the cab. 

Laurel steadied herself against the back of the seat. Forgoing the seatbelt was a bad idea, however  her drunken mind didn’t care. breathing steadily, she glanced over at Frank. He was looking towards the front of the cab, trying to be a gentleman. Laurel kept staring until finally he looked her way. 

Frank was trying his hardest to be a gentleman. He didn’t know what was going on inside his head, usually he would jump at the opportunity to take a girl home, but this girl was different. He had to protect her. Everything he just thought was thrown out the window the second he looked her way.

His drunken eyes stared into hers and suddenly they were attached. Laurel had her lips on his in a second. She wanted him, not only for her newly minted reputation, but just for herself. He made her feel protected, and she didn’t want to lose that. She straddled his lap and felt his hands move towards her bottom. they continued to kiss, hastily, like someone would break they apart at any moment. 

“Yo get out.” Frank realized he had never given his address to the cab driver. The car was idling outside of what he presumed was Laurel’s apartment building. Realizing what was happening, He pulled away from Laurel and opened the door. He scooted out and helped her out of the cab. He paid the driver and asked him to wait for a moment. Laurel looked at him, begging in her eyes. She reached out her hand to him and waved the cab driver away. Frank, contemplating for a minute turned to the driver and told him it was ok it go. He took Laurel’s hand and they walked towards her apartment building. 

— (A/N Rated R)
Once inside her apartment, neither one of them could wait. Frank pushed her to the door, placing his hands against her head, locking her into place. With their crazy eyes staring at one another he attacked her with his lips. Frank’s drunken state had gotten the best of him and he didn’t care, all he wanted was this girl, in this moment. He started to kiss her neck, nibbling on spots along the way. 

Laurel, still against the door, moaned louder then she had ever felt herself go before. She had achieved her goal of becoming someone knew, with Frank’s help and she felt herself begging for more. He found the zipper to her dress and slowly pulled it down, knowing he was creating a huge agony in Laurel’s mind. 

With her dress loose against her shoulders she ripped his suit jacket off. She deemed his waistcoat a challenge, but found it to be the sexiest thing at the moment. unbuttoning it she got to his shirt. All she wanted was to feel his skin against hers. 

Frank continued to kiss down her body sliding her dress as he went. It was only a few seconds before Laurel felt a breeze against her skin, realizing the dress was at her feet. He stood back up and kissed Laurel on her lips. She continued to unbutton his shirt. 

“Man, slow down.” Frank said quietly against her lips. “Let me take my time.” Laurel felt so turned on by what he said, she relinquished control. Frank pinned her arms above her head after ripping his shirt off. Laurel felt herself staring at his chiseled body. “You like what you see?” He said with a drunken laugh. 

“Too much.” Laurel responded and suddenly she was pushing him away from the door. She led him towards her bedroom and pushed him onto her bed with all the strength she had in her body. With desire in both of their eyes, She straddled him. Frank’s hands roamed over her body. taking in this beautiful women who wanted to be his. He loved being beneath her, but also loved being in control. So with that, in one swift moment he flipped her onto her back. She felt him unclip her front closure bra and she let it fall to the sides.

Laurel arched her back as he kissed her nipples. Frank began to suck and leave mark down her body as Laurel moaned. She felt her hands moving towards his belt. With that undone she pushed his slacks off his hips leaving just their lower undergarments between them. 

Frank made his way between her legs. Lowering her panties he began to rub her clit, rotating between extremely fast and extremely slow. Laurel moaned louder then she had ever before. She wasn’t surprised that he had found it on the first try, he seemed pretty experienced. She felt his beard scratch against her inner thigh. His hot breath on her made her sweat with desire. Lips on lips he sucked and kissed her. He moved up to her clit and pumped a finger into her. 

“More, Frank.” She moaned. it wasn’t long before he was fisting her. She grabbed ahold of his neck and pulled him closer to her. kissing his forehead and cheek. He pumped faster in her and it wasn’t long before Laurel felt herself go. 

Kissing and resting for a moment, Laurel got on top of Frank. She planted kisses down his body and got to his boxers. removing them, she positioned herself nearly atop his hard. staring into his eyes, she lowered herself onto him in one swift motion. He began to pump inside of her fucking her with more passion then she had ever felt. 

“Yes, Frank.” she moaned. “Faster.” 

With that command he positioned himself on top of her. He pumped hard and fast into her, and it wasn’t long before they both came. 

Sweat dripped in between her eyebrow and Frank kissed it away. Laurel closed her eyes, amazed that someone had made her feel as good as Frank. 

They fell asleep in each others arms beneath Laurel’s sheets, She knew the consequences they would face tomorrow, but she didn’t care. Frank had just given her one of the best fucks of her life, and she would do anything to have it again. 

Frank woke around 3 in the morning to his phone in the other room. He knew the ringer and slowly made his way out of bed, trying not to wake the beautiful creature next to him. He found his phone and with a sigh answered the call from Annalise. 

“Whats up?” He asked in a quiet tone. 

“I need you to do something for me.” she went on and explained what she needed. 

“Consider it handled.” He hung up and gathered the mess of clothing. Folding her dress, Frank placed it on the bed next to her sleeping body. He slowly and angrily dressed himself, upset he was leaving her. This had become something he was used to, but with Laurel he felt something different, something real. 

Feeling the headache coming on, he made his way out the door quietly, taking one last glance at Laurel. without thinking, he went back over towards the bed and kissed her forehead. She stirred a little and Frank was silent, hoping he had not woken her. 

Frank knew he should not look back again, or he would never leave her place. So he placed his phone in his pocket and exited her apartment, closing the door behind him in the most quiet way. 

He didn’t know if he would ever see Laurel again, but he hoped that one day their paths would meet again. 


Thank you for reading! I will be uploading again soon. I'm traveling this week and don't know if it will be up this week, but I will for sure be writing when I can!

Again thanks so much!

Frank's Kryptonite (A Flaurel, Frank and Laurel fanfiction from HTGAWM)Where stories live. Discover now