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A/N This is short. I know, but I'm getting back into the swing of school. I will have another part of either tomorrow or Saturday. :)


Laurel had never had a more confusing time in her life then at this moment. Kahn was pleasuring her and she was thinking elsewhere, or of someone else. Someone with green eyes, a Philly accent, and rough beard. She was thinking of Frank of all people. Laurel shock her thoughts away and prepared herself to fake an orgasm. no one had pleasured her like Frank, and up until now, no one could compare, as much as she wished to forget it, like the easy way he left her apartment that night. 

Once Kahn finished, Laurel rolled over and fell asleep. It was late, around 4 in the morning and she would have to be in class around 8. Before she was able to fall into a deep sleep, she felt Kahn push his warm body against her back. Her tense figure was now wrapped in the arms of someone who cared for her. Laurel tried to remember that he cared for her more then Frank ever would. 

The morning sun drenched the bed sheets as Frank stirred. Next to him lay his latest strand of a hookup, Sasha. She wanted more, to become a couple even, but Frank couldn’t handle that. He looked at the clock and read the time. 6:45 am. Sasha woke suddenly. 

“Hey baby”. She said. Frank was not in the mood to talk with her. his mind was fixated on a night one month prior, with Laurel. Sasha continued with the wanting to be cute act, but to be honest, Frank couldn’t handle it anymore.

“Get Out.” He said sternly. 

“Why? I thought we were having fun.” She begged. Frank was only using her for sex. Sex he wasn’t getting from Laurel.

“Sasha we are never going to be boyfriend and girlfriend. now get your stuff and leave.”

“Fine! I’ll be gone the next couple of weeks. Traveling for work, when I get back we can talk about it.”

“Whatever, its not going to happen.”

“My Name is Sasha Peterson, and I always get what I want.” she said with a wink as she got dressed. Frank laid in bed, deciding not to watch her this time. He was done, and ready to pursue Laurel with everything he had in his power. 

Sasha walked out and Frank let out a big sigh of relief once he heard the front door close behind her. hopefully he wouldn’t have to deal with her again. It wasn’t long before he jumped out of bed and got ready for another day at Annalise’s. 

Laurel walked into the classroom with hope and distress. Hoping she would get the position at Annalise’s firm, and distressing because that would mean she would see Frank all the time. 

“Well It is time to find out who will be working in my office this year.” Annalise’s voice boomed over her crowd of students. Laurel felt her eyes move from Annalise to Frank, who was sitting casually on her desk. He looked up and their eyes met. Laurel looked away while Frank just smirked to himself. 

"Mr. Walsh, Mr. Millstone, Ms. Pratt, and Ms. Castillo, stay after class.” Laurel realized her name was called. inside her head she was jumping for joy, outside she sat casually. 

“Oh and one more student will be helping with my large work load.” Laurel looked around thinking she had already called four names. 

“Mr. Gibbins. Stay after class as well.” 

there would be five of them vying for the trophy. five of them. Laurel knew she could beat them all, it was just a matter of playing nice until true colors were revealed. 

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 19, 2015 ⏰

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Frank's Kryptonite (A Flaurel, Frank and Laurel fanfiction from HTGAWM)Where stories live. Discover now