Syllabus Week Part Two

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Frank walked into the classroom realizing he should of had a second cup of coffee before leaving the office. they had been through this before, picking the students to work with Annalise and he was done with it. Most of the students they picked seemed to be too nervous to actually help when it came to court cases. They were eager in class but when it came to outside of class, they failed beyond belief. A negative for Frank was the fact that they often picked males, and he didn’t swing that way when it came to sex. Yes, Frank was known to sleep with law students, often one night stand kind of things, where the girls would come back yearning for him. Frank suddenly stopped his thoughts when that girl walked in, the one who had given him a run for his money. Annalise had called her a show off and he couldn’t see why, she seemed so studious, so quiet. He felt other girls eyes on him, but he could not take his off of that girl. Before she found him staring, he turned to Bonnie and Annalise and said the thing they were all thinking “Lets get this over with.” 

Annalise set the timer and hands shot up. “Ms. Pratt”. Annalise called on the girl sitting in the front. Frank had looked at her once prior and saw two things, her engagement ring, and her entitled demeanor. Something he was not a fan of. And so he zoned out, instead putting his eyes on that girl. the one who made his heart beat faster then ever. She was studying her notes and didn’t even bother to look up to meet his glance. 

The Timer rung, bringing Frank back to the surface. he turned to Bonnie and Annalise and they whispered, "she is in”. Frank wondered what he had missed, but casually said “we can’t accept everyone who goes first Bon.” Annalise took control and turned to Ms. Pratt. 

“You’ve moved onto the next round, take a seat.” She set the timer again and hands shot up faster then Frank could look towards the other girl. Annalise called on a Mr. Walsh, Mr. Millstone, and Ms. Castillo. Wait, Frank thought. The girl he had been staring at stood. Frank took in her beauty, in awe of how someone could be so beautiful. No he thought, I will not fall in love with a student of Annalise’s, maybe just casually fuck her, maybe like the last time…but not love. 

She Pulled the socioeconomic strategy that Frank had told her about last evening. Frank listened to her beautiful, quiet voice and when the timer rang, all he could think was dammit. He didn’t say anything about the two guys. Bonnie was set on accepting one of them, Annalise on the other, but no word came from their lips about the girl. 

“What about that Castillo girl?” Frank whispered. “I want her in.” he had never done that before, requested a student to join in the law firm. Bonnie rolled her eyes.

“Frank where do you want her in? I know what you are doing, and It won’t work.” Bonnie whispered

“Again, Bonnie stop assuming things that are not true.I think she is talented and would make a good fit for the office.” 

“You two stop bickering.” Annalise said and turned to the class, many of the students had left when they were dismissed for failed testimonies. “Mr. Walsh, Mr. Millstone, you are through to the next round. Ms. Castillo, you as well.” 

Frank saw her face light up. a light smile on her lips. he thought She is my girl, I will not let anyone else have her. I will protect her.

Laurel was in disbelief. how could she have possibly made it to the final round. those seated were asked to come to the courthouse tomorrow. There were about 15 of them left. With four spots open. Laurel knew she had to win one of those spots. 

Zoning back in she saw Michaela Pratt pleading with Professor Keating. Keating didn’t move an inch, she just said “I’m not your mother Ms. Pratt, either be there tomorrow or drop from the competition.”

Laurel laughed silently to herself. She had never really been a fan of Michaela from the moment she stood and spoke. She stood and walked out of the classroom. Tomorrow would be interesting. 

Following court, where Michaela decided to show off once more, Laurel found something out about the case. that evening not knowing who to tell she told Frank. 

“I only saw them together for a second.” she said hastily. “but it makes sense, i mean the wife gets fed up with the husband cheating that she teams up with his mistress to get revenge.” 

“fine say you are right. what are we supposed to do about it?” Frank retorted. He couldn’t stop staring at the girl who had been so willing to be his a few months ago. 

“I—I don’t know” Laurel answered in defeat. To be truthful, she couldn’t stop her thoughts from racing back to that night a few weeks prior. 

“I know what you are thinking about.” Frank said with a laugh. “I was waiting for you to connect the dots.” 

“It only took me a few minutes to connect your dots.” Laurel answered with snark in her voice. 

“yeah i’m sure.” He said walking closer to her.

“Stop. I have a boyfriend.” Laurel instantly thought of Khan and how he would react to her behavior, most likely, if she hadn’t of thought of him she would be re-doing something she refused to remember, or was it refuse to forget?

“That didn’t stop you before.” Frank said, realizing he had walked as close to her as he could.

“He wasn’t in the picture before.But now he is, and I care about him” Laurel reached down and grabbed her belongings. She scooted away from Frank as fast as she could, leaving him there in disbelief and semi anger. 

Frank sighed, went to the kitchen and grabbed some coffee. He slammed the cup down angrily on the counter, only to see it break. while he looked for a dust pan, he mumbled to himself “of course she has a boyfriend.” once everything was cleaned up and he had his coffee, he went back to work, with only Laurel on his mind. 


thank you so much for viewing! if you have time, please thumbs up and like. :) also, leave a comment with what you think is going to happen or what you want to happen. It might follow the show it might not. :)

Frank's Kryptonite (A Flaurel, Frank and Laurel fanfiction from HTGAWM)Where stories live. Discover now