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- Calder's POV -

I was trying to behave in front of the other guards and inmates so no one would catch on to the fact that I was on the verge of fucking Darby, But, damn, does he make it hard. He looks so damn good in that ugly guard uniform.

"So, what's this call about?" I asked after I finally managed to pull my thoughts away from Darby and his ass.

"Not sure," Gunnar said with a shrug.

That fucking helps.

"Well, who's calling for me?" I asked, hoping that they at least knew that much since they didn't know what the call was about.

"Your Faðir," Bo said simply.

Ah, fuck!

When my Faðir calls that normally means trouble of some sort, mainly me getting in trouble with him for something. And I think I have an idea of what this call is about.

"Why didn't you fucking lead with that?!" I growled out in frustration as I walked faster to the one unoccupied phone.

"Probably because you always flip your shit when he's brought up," Gunnar muttered as I picked up the phone, glaring at him as I did so.

"Where the fuck have you been?!" Was snarled down the line the moment I opened my mouth to speak once the line connected.

"Hello to you too, Faðir. I'm good, thanks for asking," I said sarcastically as I rolled my eyes.

"Fuck off with the attitude with me. When do you plan on getting out? I retired for a reason which was to not have to do this shit anymore, and then you went and fucking got arrested, dipshit!" My Faðir growled in annoyance.

"Yes, Faðir, I fucking know that! I will be out when I decide the time is right!" I replied lowly, but Bo and Gunnar, who were standing behind me, scoffed at each other in amusement.

"Yeah right! More like when he's done having fun with a certain guard!" Bo cackled as he bumped shoulders with Gunnar.

"You're so not wrong there!" Gunnar agreed, joining him in laughing and nudging him back.

I jerked around, glaring at them as they continued cackling with each other like they had said the funniest damn thing in the world.

"Shut the fuck up!" I shouted at them, having had enough of them and their games.

"Guard? What guard? What the fuck are they talking about?!" My Faðir questioned, having heard their comments.

Fan-fucking-tastic. Thanks, assholes.

"Nothing, Faðir! It's just Bo and Gunnar talking out of their asses as usual!" I said, hoping to deter him, but I had no such luck.

"Yeah, well they normally speak the truth so I want to know what the fuck they are going on about!"

I pulled the phone receiver away from my mouth as I gave them both murderous glares that made them shut up instantly.

"I'm going to beat the living hell out of the two of you after this!" I seethed, watching them gulp worriedly.

"We're going to go look for Officer Kelby and ask him for something," Bo said worriedly.

"Yeah, mainly for protection," Gunnar added before they ran off, leaving me to come out to my Faðir.

"CALDER! ANSWER ME DAMMIT!" He was screaming as I put the phone back up to my ear, making me scowl.

"I'm right here, stop yelling in my damn ear!" I grumbled.

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