Starting Anew...Together

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We were driving down some road, the car completely silent as we were all too caught up in our thoughts. The fact that if we hadn't moved as fast as we did, we would have all been caught and arrested for helping a convicted felon to escape (Sven), having escaped from the Penitentiary (Calder), and harboring a convicted felon who had just escaped from the Penitentiary (me), weighing heavy on our minds, though I'm sure, in different ways. 

I couldn't believe that all of that had just happened in the span of, maybe two hours. It was probably closer to an hour and a half though because it all just happened so fast.

But now, I was on the run with Calder, and the threat of me possibly, maybe even very likely, getting arrested for being accused - and convicted - of helping him to escape, harboring him, if only for a while after he had just escaped, and then having security footage of the two of us being seen making out and going in and out of his cell while in the Penitentiary. But none of that mattered, and it was the last thing on my mind right now. What was it that was on my mind right now?

It was Calder's earlier words that he had said right before Sven had interrupted us to let us know that we needed to move fast.

He wanted us to have something real, and honestly, so did I. But I couldn't help but fear that this was all just a ploy to make me stay with him so that he could fuck me whenever he wanted. Plus, I had no idea how his family or mine would react to us being together since we've both only been with girls our entire lives. Being with a man instead was way different, and I worried about their responses. I would hate to lose my family, and I doubt he would want to lose his family either.

I felt a hand touch mine that I had resting on my thigh, making me turn to see Calder looking at me with a soft smile on his lips and slight worry in his eyes. God, his smile made him look even more handsome than he already was.

"Hey," Calder said quietly.

"Hey," I said back.

"How are you, you know, doing? With everything that just happened and is going on?" Calder asked me a bit hesitantly, to which I shrugged.

"Fine, I guess. I'm not exactly sure how I should be feeling right now. Should I feel terrified that I could get arrested? Exhilarated from basically running from the cops? How should I feel? Because I'm really not sure right now," I said as I looked at him. I was enjoying the feeling of his large, warm hand on mine as his thumb gently rubbed circles on it for a bit before he threaded our fingers together, giving my hand a reassuring squeeze.

"I don't know, Darby. I don't know how you should feel about all of this. But I do know that even though I'm going to sound like a selfish bastard for saying this, I'm glad that I pulled you into this and got you involved. I like being with you more than I've ever liked being with anyone else. Hell, more than half of the time I spend with Bo and Gunnar I want to either choke or punch them because they get on my nerves. But with you, I just want to spend more time with you. I don't want you to go. I want you to stay by my side," he said, sounding more earnest than I had ever heard him.

I gave him a smile and I found myself leaning in close to him as he leaned into me. Our lips met in the middle, melting together as we held each other close, letting our lips and tongues move slowly against one another. Savoring the feeling of being united like this once more.

"Sorry to interrupt, but it's time for us to get out," Sven said from the driver's seat.

Calder and I pulled away, my cheeks slightly flushed while Calder smirked lightly at me. I turned to see that we were on what appeared to be a private airstrip, a large jet that was black with thin gold stripes beginning at the nose and moving all the way back to its tail, sitting in the middle of the tarmac.

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