Walls Can't Keep Him Confined

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- Calder's POV -

I am pissed. No, fuck that. I am beyond pissed right now. I am fucking LIVID.

Not only did he deck me in the damn face, but he also refused me which never happens. I don't and I won't take no for an answer, and I made that very clear to him. And soon enough, he would learn that quite clearly.

I let out a loud, angry roar before turning and punching the wall that he had previously been pinned against where I let my tongue fuck his mouth. Where I had felt his ass and how fucking big and round it was. Where I started to imagine taking him up against the same wall, pounding mercilessly into his, no doubt, tight virgin ass.

I turned and walked to my cell door, throwing it open and walking out angrily. I stomped down the stairs, walking over to Bo and Gunnar who were playing cards at our usual table. As I approached, Bo looked up at me, eyebrows raised slightly.

"Based on the fact you look like a mad bull and that there's a bruise forming on your jaw, you were wrong," he said, fighting to stifle a laugh at my expense.

I shook my head, gritting my teeth as I sat down across from them, letting my nails dig into the skin on my palms as I let a snarl contort my features.

"No! I was fucking right but he keeps fighting it! We were good for about fifteen to twenty minutes before he punched me and started yelling at me!" I growled lowly.

"Yeah, because he's not interested, Calder! We tried to tell you that before you started on this...whatever it is, that you're going on about," Gunnar said as he sat his cards, face down, on the table before giving me his full attention.

"NO! No, I'm not wrong and I know it! You want to know how I know?" I said as I looked at them, my eyes alight with a fire I had never felt before.

"Not particularly, but I know you'll tell us anyway, so how do you know?" Bo sighed as he too dropped his cards, face down, on the table before raising his arm to rest his elbow on the table, cradling his face in his propped-up hand.

"Because he told me that he wasn't an inmate fuck toy, and if he was, he wouldn't pick me because he's not into blondes," I said with a confident smirk.

Bo and Gunnar looked at each other in disbelief before they looked at me and then spoke at the same time.

"Yes, because he's. Not. Interested!" They exclaimed, acting as if they were talking to a child, which I sure as hell was not. I rolled my eyes at them since they weren't understanding a damn thing I was saying.

"Whatever. It doesn't matter anyway because he's mine," I said with a possessive edge to my words.

They looked at me like I was crazy, and hell, maybe I was. But I wasn't fucking around when it came to Darby.

"Wait...yours?! Didn't we just talk about this not being a serious thing? That this was just for FUN?!" Gunnar said, looking even more floored than he was before, and even slightly pissed.

"It was supposed to just be for fun, but that was back before he thought he'd have a choice in the matter. But he fucked up now. I have a few calls to make, I'll be back," I said as I stood up, dropping the conversation as a plan began to formulate in my mind.

"Calls? Calls to who?" Bo questioned suspiciously.

"A few guys at home. I want a constant detail on him from now on," I said as I walked to the phones, Bo and Gunnar following along behind me.

"Aren't you being a little, uh, I don't know...CRAZY?!" Gunnar exclaimed.

"No, if anything he is. I want him to realize that his ass is mine!" I seethed, getting worked up all over again.

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