Grand Tour

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"You must be the ass that my son is getting," his father said, looking at me with a smirk while I just stared back, unable to move a damn muscle.

"Faðir!" Calder exclaimed in exasperation while his father chuckled, finding his shout funny while I remained frozen in shock.

"I'm just messing around with the two of you," he grinned.

"Well, neither of us appreciates it. Mamma, and Faðir, I would like to introduce you both to Darby Kelby, my boyfriend. Darby, this is my Mamma, Sonya, and my Faðir, Odin," Calder introduced us all to one another proudly. I was waiting for looks of disgust from them, but I was only shown two bright smiles of happiness, yet Calder's father's smile was more on the edge of a smirk. I had a feeling that Odin was the more physically mature version of Calder, and I wasn't sure if I could handle two of them at once.

"So you finally manned up and fucked him then?" His father said, making my eyes go wide as my cheeks flared a bright red at his father's words. Yeah, these two are definitely alike and are sure to keep me blushing.



Both Calder and his mother shouted at his father in exasperation.

"What? Was I wrong?" His father, Odin, asked as he looked between the two of us, my cheeks going darker as Calder scowled.

"You're not wrong, Odin, they fucked," Gunnar's voice suddenly spoke, soon followed after by Bo's.

"Yeah, and then they fought and now apparently they're dating," Bo spoke next, always needed to throw in his two cents, whether they were wanted or not.

Calder growled at them while I frowned and looked away as we both recalled our fight. It was more of a misunderstanding though, yet it all led up to all the shit storm that is currently going down.

"Well, you can look at everything in a positive way," his mother said as she looked at Calder and me, my arms locked around his neck as I rested comfortably on his hip, looking up at her with a small frown on my lips.

"How, mamma?! That is not something that either of us would like to think about!" Calder huffed out.

"Maybe so, but you two are now together. As boyfriends. Tell me, if that little fight you two had didn't happen, would you two be together as you now are?" She asked knowingly.

Calder turned to look at me with a raised brow that had me chuckling.

"No, probably not. But if Calder had his way, then yeah, we would be," I said.

"If I had my way, we would have already fucked more than just the one time that we did," he said, always having to turn things sexual. My cheeks flared at his words and the way his eyes darkened. With a final, stronger jerk, I managed to finally escape his tight hold on me as I walked over to Sven who was standing off to the side, holding my bag that he had gotten out of the SUV for me.

"Can you take me to the room I'll be staying in, please? I'm tired," I asked.

"Yeah, sure," he agreed as he went to lead me off when Calder cut off his path.

"No, I'll do it. You'll be staying in my room with me, elskan," he said as he took my hand in his. I took my bag from Sven when I passed him as Calder started to tow me behind him by our intertwined hands, but I stopped him and looked at him in disagreement. 

"I am not sharing a room with you," I refused.

"Why not? We've already shared a bed," he winked at me, smirking, resulting in me glaring at him.

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