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I quickly informed Taissa and Jack over lunch about how I was on speaking terms with Grayson again.

"Ahhh see what did I say? Just say sorry and all is good again."

"Imagine how good your kids would look though. Cuz you're hot but he is mega hot like wow."

I slapped Jack's arm when he said that. Sometimes he was a doofus. Actually, all the time. He was a doofus all the time.

"God Jack stop it. I think we're just friends? As in I don't like him. No way." Actually, I had no idea if I liked Greyson.

I never ever imagined I would even think about Grayson in any sort of way. But the possibility of liking him was re entering my mind everyday like a damn boomerang.

Taissa and Jack were having a conversation which soon turned into a heated debate about Harry Potter conspiracies. They were a weird bunch of friends.

I looked around the cafeteria hoping to find Grayson. He wasn't there. Weird.

I went on my phone checking for updates and emails. That was short lived when Axel came and sat next to me.

"Hey hay. Get it? Hey as in hello and Hay as in your name." He laughed at his own joke. Jack looked at me with his eyebrows raised. I looked at Jack in a disapproving way, hoping to communicate the 'he's your friend' look.

"Oh Axel. What brings you here? On this table? Next to Hayden? And only mentioning her when two other people are on this table?" Jack questioned, his hands resting under his chin.

Axel slightly blushed. "Oh um you know. Just checking in on friends. How are you guys? Any news to pique my interest?" He looked at me a few times. Oh no.

Axel has a crush on me.

Or I'm just being self obsessed. I think like that way too often.

Taissa sipped her iced tea. "Oh we're great. Hayden is super excited for her English lesson though. So that's something to pique your interest."

"Oh? That's no surprise. Hayden is good at English." He looked at me smiling. I cringed a bit.

"She is isn't she? Let's hope she can concentrate today." Jack smiled like a villain. Oh I'm gonna get him.

"Umm. Okay. I have to go now. Jack you've always been weird. Taissa you stay cool. And Hayden, I um- I'll see you tomorrow in science." He bent down to whisper in my ear. "Your hair looks cute by the way." He turned and left.

Taissa burst out laughing.

Jack was shaking his head. "Oh my God he's so in love with you."

"Shut up."

We all got up and walked to class.

Axel may have a crush on me. Yippie.


I sat in my seat waiting for lesson to begin. Mr Ace wasn't in today so we had a substitute. But I hoped we have good cover work though since that's the only thing I care-

Oh shut up who am I kidding I keep staring at the door waiting for him to come in.

I really disappoint myself sometimes.

The supply walked in and quickly set us work.

Where was he?

I looked down at the sheet of instructions realising we had to do revision for our test on Friday.

I wasn't going to start revising till tomorrow during free period and Thursday since there was a small amount to do. So I guess this lesson was a bit chill.

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