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I shut my locker trying to blur everything out and only focus on this English exam. It was hard though. All I could think about was Grayson and Mrs Tyson being related. Not even distant relatives, but mother and son? That was just preposterous.

"No no no Jack I called dibs. He's so hot man please let me have him. Oh those muscles." Taissa and Jack were salivating over the new boy, calling 'dibs' as they put it.

"Taissa, doll he's not your type remember? You aren't into blondes you like gingers. I, on the other hand, love blondes and this blonde in particular." Jack was trying his hardest to claim the new boy. These two will be the death of me I swear.

"Jack you idiot, I like blondes too and this one is too hot to let go of. I'm stubborn get used to it darling. Also you're being selfish, you literally have Elijah-' Taissa stopped talking once she realised the name she used. Jack's playful face fell apart and he looked at his watch to avoid eye contact.

Elijah had messaged Jack on Monday to end their relationship. He said he didn't want a secret relationship and he cared about Jack a great deal to keep stringing him on if he lost feelings. It was a confusing message. I thought Elijah was a good person. But I don't blame him. He's scared to lose his friends. Jack wasn't angry at Eli since he understood. But he was hurting.

"Jack hit me. Slap me. Step on me. I'm such a terrible person for saying his name when he hurt you. And you know what you can take blondie. You're right blondes aren't my type anyways. I love you so much Jack. I'm sorry." Taissa's face was full of regret and repentance. Jack gave a small smile and looked up at Tais.

"Can I still slap you?" Jack smiled. He gave Taissa a small hug in a forgiving way.

"You okay Jack?" I asked.

"Yeah. How can't I be when I'm friends with you two amazing people. I'll be okay. I know it." Jack slung his arms over our shoulders and we all walked to class.

"And I'm still calling dibs by the way."

Jack. What a guy.


We all sat down, ready to take the test. I knew I studied hard all day yesterday and I'm confident I should smash this exam. I tried to avoid the boy next to me. I wanted to talk to him so badly about what happened yesterday. But I have the feeling he doesn't want to.

Mr Ace gave walked around giving out the tests.

"Good luck." I whispered to Grayson.

He merely muttered 'mh' in response. Guess he'd be in silent mood all day.

The test had ended and I felt euphoric. I knew I was going to do well. I looked over at Grayson and saw he wrote a lot on his paper. I hope he did well.

"So, um how did it go-'

"Why are you trying to create small talk with me? If you couldn't tell the first time, I don't want to talk to you. Get the damn hint and stop talking to me." Greyson spat, his voice shaky and breaking as if he had a screaming match with someone hours before.

I felt my stomach sink. That was so rude I couldn't even retaliate. I couldn't even think of anything to say.

I get he needs his privacy but does he have to be so mean about it?

If I didn't like him, I would've said something back. But feelings are involved. And those feelings have been hurt.

I turned my face the other way. I didn't say anything to him for the next 5 minutes, as we had some to spare due to the test.

"Class can I have your attention please?" Mr Ace asked. The whole class went silent. I wanted to get out of this class before I cried right here. I hate being sensitive.

"Our next play we will look at is Romeo and Juliet. I know we're doing more than two Shakespeare plays, but we think we can reach your full potential this way. Since you have all worked hard and proved yourself worthy, you will all go to watch Romeo and Juliet live in theatre. I have sent emails out to parents and details are provided there. Please take these permission slips and ask your parents to sign them. This event will take place after the holidays. Thank you, you may leave."

A trip? A trip requires partners on the coach and seating arrangements. I have no friends in this class and it's vital I go on this trip to aid my knowledge in English. Grayson?

He's out of the question completely. I hate him for how he spoke to me. I'm not talking to him until he apologises. Though, I'm not sure he will. He has a rather huge ego this brat.

We walked out the class, but as I tried to get out, Grayson walked past me and bumped my shoulder so hard I collided with the wall.

A sharp burning agitation travelled through my arm, making me wince in pain. A few girls behind me asked if I was okay, sensing my pain and discomfort. Grayson turned back for a spilt second, shock registering across his face to see how bad he hurt me. But what he didn't know was his words stung more than the shoulder pain.

He walked off. Of course he walked off.

I was foolish for liking Greyson.

Now I'm trapped. And I don't know how I'm getting out of this.

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