Chapter 26

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Hermione POV

"No, no please let them go. No!" I sit up in bed and look around worried. I was woken by the sound of Draco yelling out in his sleep. I look to his side of the bed and see him slightly thrashing, continuing to yell.

"Draco?" I lean over and place my hand on his shoulder and lightly shake him, hoping it would wake him. He continues to thrash and yell out. Left with no choice I grab my wand off of the nightstand and send a small shock to his arm. He yells out again, this time though he is awake and rubbing his arm.

"Are you ok?" I ask as he slowly sits up.

"I'm fine." He responds coldly before turning to face the opposite wall.

"Draco...." I place my hand on his shoulder.

"I'm ok... You should go back to sleep. You have to be up early." He shakes my hand off and stands up. I watch as he walks around the room like a robot. When he finds a shirt he quickly puts it on before walking out on the balcony connected to our room. From my spot on the bed I see him let out a sigh and lean against the railing, his head in his hand. Deciding not to listen I grab my robe and wrap it around my body as I step out into the cool night.

"Hermione pease go back to bed, I promise I am fine. It was just a dream." He tells me before I can full make it to where he I standing.

"Obviously it was more than just a dream. Please don't shut me out Draco, I am ere for you no matter what." He turns around to looks at me and I can see the fear in his eyes.

"It was the night in the manor, when Bellatrix had you in the drawing room. I couldn't do anything, I had to sit there and watch you take the curse. Only this time they knew what you meant to me. Bellatrix's husband held me as I watched you lay there unmoving. The only sign you were alive was the screams. Merlin those screams still haunt me I can only imagine how they make you feel." I watch as he physically shutter. Without a second thought I pull him into a tight hug. I am not sure if the hug is for his benefit or mine but it seems to help us both.

"You know I do not blame you for that night right? There was nothing anyone could do to top our Aunt. I've said this one and I will say it again. She was not mentally stable if she didn't torture me she would have tortured some other innocent wizard or witch."

"But you were innocent." He argues back. I let a sigh and place a soft kiss on his chest.

"Maybe but I was actively rebelling against what she believed in, therefore I wasn't innocent in her eyes."  He sighs and pulls me tighter.

"Hey." I catch his attention and he loosens his arms enough for me to lean back and look at him. "I am here and so are you. We got past that point in our life's and that is all that matters." He nods slightly, agreeing with what I was saying. "Now, I know tomorrow is your off day but you still need to try and get some sleep." He releases his arms and I grab his hand before leading him back inside.

"Thank you for staying." He tells me as we lay down. I freeze at his words. Even when I first gained my memories back I never once thought about leaving him. From the moment we were together in Hogwarts I knew no matter what he was my person and we were meant to be together.

The next morning I carefully crawl out of bed before slipping into the bathroom, careful not to wake Draco up. I throw on a simple black pencil skirt and maroon blouse before slipping on my heels. I grab a granola bar and my bag off the counter before heading to the office.

When I arrive at work I find a note from Astoria telling me that she will not be coming in today as she had a family emergency. I let out a sigh and quickly get to work knowing that I will have double the work to get done today. First up on my list is to finish filing all the paper work from my poachers case a few weeks ago. With help from the aurors office we were able to catch the suspects with little difficulty, this was Astoria's case originally but after several weeks she hit a dead end and asked for my help researching some of the laws.

The paperwork takes me less than an hour and then I am onto my next task, reviewing and filling out paperwork for Rolph Scamander so he is able to travel to America. I have read about his grandfathers adventures in New York and can only imagine that he wants to follow in his footstep. This process will take me several hours as I know he has his grandfathers briefcase with an undetectable extension charm. This tells m that there could be as few as one animal going or a hundred, I do not know how many until I finish the paperwork.

Almost three hours later I am not even half way done with the file, I let out a sigh and stand up. I might just have to pull a long night depending on hat time I finish Scamander's file. Draco is not going to be happy about it but I know that this work needs to get done in a timely fashion. Before I can sit down to get back to work my stomach lets out a growl and I decided that maybe I should eat something. I go to open my office door and as I do I am met by a pair of blue eyes.

"Draco what are you doing here?" I ask with a smile while pulling him into a hug. He holds up a bag from our favorite Chinese restaurant and I quickly grab it from him.

"Blaise mentioned that a family issue came up and that Astoria would not be here today. So I figured I would keep you company on your lunch break. I also wanted to make sure you actually ate something. I know you have double the work today which means you will look over eating." I roll my eyes at him but laugh.

"For your information I was just on my way to get my lunch out of the break room."

"Oh well then please don't let me interrupt." He tells me playfully before walking towards the door.

"Don't even think about walking back out. Sit in that chair and eat your lunch." I tell him while placing the bag on my desk He does as he is too and takes a seat in Astoria's chair.

We happily eat our lunch , Draco asking me questions about my newest case and me explaining the excessive amount of paperwork.

"I honestly think that I might have to pull a super late night, I just have so much to get done." He frown at what I tell him.

"I was hoping that tonight we could start working on that project we talked about on New Years." He tells me with a wink. I feel my cheeks burn red and I clear my throat.

"As much as I would love that, this needs to get done. Since Astoria is out today and I am assuming tomorrow I want to make sure I get all of the important stuff done. That way when she gets back she doesn't have to worry as much." I explain, slightly disappointed that I was going to have to miss his plans. Ever since we decided to try for a baby on New Years things got busy with Draco working night shift and we haven't had as much time as we had hoped. He must see the disappointment in my eyes because his face softens.

"Hey, don't worry about it. I know how important your work is to you, we have all the time in the world to try for this baby." His words warm my heart an I smile at him, my disappointment fading away slightly.

We continue enjoying our lunch and before I know it Draco is grabbing his stuff and heading out the door.

"Try not to over work yourself. I love you."  He places a quick kiss on my lips before letting himself out.

I smile to myself as he leaves, I find that everyday I spend with him is a day I don't deserve.

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