Chapter 28

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Draco POV

Landing just outside the gats of Malfoy Manor I can see Mother on the front steps waiting for my arrival. 

"Draco!" She exclaims as soon as I pass through the gates. Quickly I make my way to where she awaits, pulling her into a quick hug as soon as she is in reach. 

"Mother." I say as I let out a relaxed breath, glad to be in her arms for a few moments. 

"Oh Draco, you must really come see me more often. It does get lonely around here." She looks up sadly at the large house and I feel for her. With Father away in Azkaban until who knows when she is left alone with the few house elves who remained loyal after being set free. 

"I will try Mother. These past few months have been very busy at work." I explain. She gets a playful smirk on her face before speaking again. 

"And with Hermione?" I feel my face go red and Mother laughs. "She told me a few weeks ago the you two were trying for a child." She explains, still laughing at how red my face is. 

"Yes, with Hermione as well." Mother calms her laughing before leading us inside to the parlor where tea is sitting, ready for us to enjoy. 

"So how has work been? Like I said I heard from Hermione a few weeks ago but have not heard from you in months." She gives me a pointed looks and I feel myself shrink in my seat. One thing about my mother is her pointed looks, that is how you truly knew what she was feeling and right now she is not happy with me. 

"Work is going well. I was transferred to the maternity ward back in January and it has been an amazing experience." I jump into a story about some of the cases I work with and Mother seem genuinely curious about everything. That is how it has been since I started my healer training, she wants to hear about everything that goes on. I like to think if things had been different she would have made an amazing healer. 


By the time I have finished my story she has heard about every single case I have had in the last three months and what all their outcomes have been. 

"Speaking of pregnancies, how has that been?" She takes a sip of her tea and I notice the slightest tremble of her hand. Unsure of the reason for it I explain what has been happening. 

"It has been a struggle if I am being honest. We have been trying since New Years without any luck. Personally I believe it is because Hermione has been on the potion for so many years so it is having to make its way out of her system." Mother raises an eyebrow. 

"And what does Hermione think?" I sigh recalling the conversation we had last night. 

"She believes that due to all the curse damage we have both received she is unable to become pregnant." My voice breaks at the end of my sentence and I look down at my cup, distracting myself for a few moments. Mother stands from her seat and takes a seat in the empty spot on the couch beside me. I look up at her with tears in my eyes, allowing myself to be upset in front of my Mother. 

"What if we can't have children. What if after everything we have both been through the universe still wants us to suffer in some way." A single tear rolls down my cheek and Mother pulls me into a hug. I let go of my emotions momentarily and just cry into her shoulder. "I try to be strong and positive for Hermione, but it terrifies me that she might not be able to have this one thing that she really want, something we both want." Mother rubs her hand gently up and down my back in a soothing way to try to calm me. 

"Draco." She gets my attention and I lean back so I am able to see her better. "It took your father and I 8 years to have you and that was without me every once being on the potion. You just have to give it time, if anyone deserves the happiness a child bring it is you and Hermione." She places her hand on my cheek while placing a kiss on the other. 

"Thank you Mother." I say while wiping the tears away from my face. 


Hermione POV

I watch as the hand on my clock slowly moves, it is now 11 o'clock at night and I have been here since 7 this morning. I knew this was a big case but I did not realize to what extent. Recently there have been more and more animals being brought over from the states illegally. Astoria noticed that it was always the same company so we took over the case to insure that these incidents stop all together. She had every piece of paper work sent over to us from every department that has been involved and now our floor has been set up to look like a time line with it. 

"There is something we are missing like a boss or something. We have already talked to the company owner and he has no idea that animals were being brought over, so who else could it be." She starts to think out loud while pacing in the small space of floor that is not cover.

"What about Dallas? He is second in command but has avoided being interview due to his extended trip in Asia. He could easily be communicating to those involved while he stays hidden away from authorities. Plus looking at the animals listed about half of the one we caught are found in Asia." I explain while looking at the papers. She jumps where she is standing. 

"You are a genius Hermione!" She runs out of our office and I laugh while packing up my stuff for the night. 

With my bag in hand I walk out to the exit waving to Astoria who is talking to our boss. 

"I'll see you both in the morning." My boss stops me. 

"Actually Granger take the rest of the week off. We haven't had many cases come in this week and since you and Astoria solved our biggest case so far this year you deserve time away." I smile and tank him before leaving. 

When I arrive home I find all of the light in the house off, signaling that Draco has already gone to bed. As quietly as possible I make my way through the house and into our bedroom. To my surprise I find Draco sitting him in bed with a book on his lap. 

"I didn't expect you to still be awake." I say as I set my stuff down on the chair in the corner of the room. He sets his books down and looks up at me. 

"I couldn't sleep until I knew you made it home." He explains with a small smile. I lean over to place a kiss on his lips and he pulls me down to where I am laying on his chest. I let out a laugh before pulling back. 

"I have to take a shower." He releases his grip on me and I stand back up, heading to our closet to grab one of Draco's old quidditch jerseys. 

"I feel like you wear that more than I do." He comments as I walk out of the closet. I shrug and send him a smile. 

"At least we know I look good with the Malfoy name." I say playfully, referring to his last name on the back of the jersey. Before he can respond I close the door to the bathroom and quickly take a shower, not wanting to be in there longer than needed. 

By the time I get out and dry my hair I see Draco has already dozed off. I smile at his sleeping figure and carefully climb into bed, wrapping my arms around his waist as I quickly fall asleep as well. 

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