Chapter 35

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Draco POV

Hermione and I run back down the path she had walked down not even ten minutes ago, behind us our friends yell and cheer. Hermione is smiling, her face radiating happiness.
"I can not believe we just did that!" She squeals as we stop in front of the building.
"Neither can I." She jumps into my arms and I pull her close to my chest. She lets out a giggle and I let go before scoping her into my arms.
"Draco put me down."
"Not happening until we cross through the door way." I say while open the door to the manor.
"How do you even know about this muggle tradition?" She asks as I set her down in the foyer.
"This is a muggle tradition?" I asked confused. "In the wizarding world it is tradition to carry the bride over the threshold because back thousands of years ago, when pure bloods would marry if someone opposed the union it was common for the opposing person to set a curse at the thresh hold. Pure bloods may be extremely strict about their lives but one thing they do is love passionately no matter the circumstances. By carrying the bride the groom hoped to save her from any effects of the curse, even if it meant being injured." I explain. Hermione looks surprised by this fact.
"Muggles have the same tradition but for different reasons, depending on where you are from there are different reasons but one of the most well known stories is that in Ancient Roman times when there were arranged marriages the bride would be very hesitant about leaving her fathers house. So the groom would often have to bring her into her new house." She explains while taking in her surroundings. I lead her farther into the manor showing her the different family artifacts that have been collected over the years.
"This here is my father great great grandmother, Catarina Malfoy. This was her and her husband's manor when they were alive." We take a moment to observe the portrait.
"Why doesn't she talk?" Hermione questions.
"I'm honestly not sure, she never has as long as I can remember." I think back to the summers when we would visit and all the times I would sit here, waiting for the portrait to talk. We continue our walk until we stop in the middle of the ballroom. I smirk at my new wife before playing music for a near by speaker with a wave of my hand.
"Would you care to dance Mrs. Malfoy?" She smiles before taking my hand in hers. We sway around the room, just the two of us enjoying the first hour of a new marriage.
"Mother will be furious when she learns what we did." I mumble into Hermione's hair. I feel her nod.
"More than likely, but I mean it's our life and we did what was right for us."
"Are you sure it wasn't to quick? We weren't even engaged until last night."
"Not at all. We would have ended up getting married at some point whether it was today or years down the road. Either way I am with the man I love and the father of my child." She says while pulling me closer. The song comes to an end and she pulls out of my arms.
"So my love. What is the plan?" I shrug.
"Honestly I don't have one I forgot to grab us some clothes for the night so it is up to you. I can go home quickly and grab stuff or we can go home and come back another time." I see Hermione think about it for a moment before letting out a yawn.
"How about we go home and order take in for the night." She suggests with a smile.
"That sounds perfect." I take her hand in mine and we quickly head back to our house.
We land with a thud in the living room and Hermione immediately starts to pull the pins out of her hair. I laugh as she lets out a sigh of relief.
"Ginny went crazy with my hair." She tells me. I follow her up the stairs to our room where we change out of our outfits.
"Hopefully I get the chance to see you in this dress again." I say with a wink. Hermione laughs before walking into the bathroom to wash off all the make up. When she finishes we switch and I head into the bathroom.
""I'm going to take a quick shower." I tell her before closing the door. Behind me I hear her call out.
"Alright! I am going to order our usuals from the Chinese restaurant."
"Ok!" I quickly climb into the shower making sure not to waste any time.

As I climb back out I run a brush through my hair before putting on some comfy muggle sweatpants and a t-shirt. Walking downstairs I find Hermione sitting on the couch with the Telly playing some movie.
"What are you watching?" I ask as I take a seat next to her. She repositions to where she is leaning into my side.
"Some movie called Lord of The Rings. I think is new, so far it seems really good." I turn my attention to the Telly and we become absorbed in it. The only time we move is when I get up to get the food from the front door. I quickly hand the money over before rushing back into our living room.
As the movie finishes I notice Hermione glancing at my food with a strange look. I raise a questioning eye brow but before she can say anything she jumps up from her seat and moves to an empty one across the room.
"Are you ok?" I ask worried. She nods.
"Apparently your child no longer likes the smell of sesame chicken with egg drop soup that you are eating." I watch as she takes a deep breath before cautiously eating her dinner.
"Do I need to eat in the kitchen?"
"Don't be silly. I should be fine over here until we are done." I shrug and continue to eat, watching Hermione's face just in case the smell gets to her again. Once I finish my food I quickly throw away the containers and scourgify my mouth so the smell is no longer there.
Walking back into the living room I see Hermione has finished dinner, without a second thought I send her containers to the kitchen with a flick of my wrist before scooping her up into my arms.
"You better do this while you can. In a few months I'll be the size of a whale and you won't be able to carry me." I scoff.
"There will never be a time when you are to heavy for me to pick up." I carry her up to our room before carefully laying her down. Once she is settled I climb into my side of the bed and pull the book I was reading to her the other night, 'Little Women'. "Now where were we." I say as I open the book to where we were. Hermione gets comfortable by my side and I begin.

"I have nothing to give you but my heart so full......"

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