Chapter 18

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Draco POV

The next morning I wake up peacefully to Hermione laying on my chest. I smile down at her sleeping figure, reminiscing in the feeling of her laying beside me. I still believe that she agreed to move in with me. 

"Starring is rude." Hermione mumbles before burying her head farther into my chest. I lean forward and place a gentle kiss on her forehead before laying back and closing my eyes again. 


Next time I wake up Hermione is no longer next to me. Quickly, I jump out of bed worrying where she might have gone. It isn't until I reach downstairs that I hear her humming in the kitchen. Calming down I make my way into the room with a smile on my face.  

"Good morning." I mumble while walking up behind Hermione. She jumps as I wrap my arms around her waist but soon leans back into my chest. 

"Good morning my love." She responds as I place a gentle kiss on her shoulder. 

"First morning in our house." She turns around and smiles up at me. 

"It sure is. That is why I made breakfast." Hermione points to the dinning table where I see a full breakfast set up. 

"That is a lot of food for two people." 

"Well it might not be for just us two." Just then I hear the doorbell. I raise my eyebrow at my girlfriend and she just smiles before running out of the room. I can't help but laugh and follow her into the foyer. 

Standing in our door I see none other than, The boy who lived, Weaslette, Astoria, and Blaise. 

"Come in!" Hermione exclaims while pulling everyone into a hug.

"This place is amazing Hermione!" Weasl- I mean Ginny says while taking in her surroundings. "Draco told me his plan but I never imagined the house would be this amazing!" 

"Well Malfoy's only do the best." I say with a playful smirk while wrapping my arm around Hermione's waist. 

"But I'm not a Malfoy." She gives me a playful look and I roll my eyes. 

"Yet." I whisper in her ear before leading our friends into the kitchen. When Hermione slowly walks in behind us I notice the red tinge to her cheeks and she quickly goes to serve our friends at the table. 

"Who would have thought when we moved you into your apartment a few months ago this is where you would end up." Harry says to Hermione with a smile.

"I didn't that's for sure. 2 months ago I was just happy to be moving on with my life after Ron cheat-" Hermione stops mid sentence and I see her eyes widen in realization. She still had not told Harry and Ginny that Ron cheated. With shaky hands Hermione quickly finishes pouring Blaise's tea trying to pretend she never said anything. 

"Ron did what?!?" Ginny yells. Hermione winces and looks at me worried. I take a step closer to her and place a comforting hand on her shoulder. 

"Ron cheated on me." 

"When?" Harry asks, a lot calmer than his significant other. 

"2 weeks before I moved. I caught him with Pansy Parkinson." 

"It's been almost 3 months and you are just now saying something?" Hermione shrugs before shooting Blaise and Astoria an apologetic looks.

"I told Ron it was his mistake therefor he should be responsible for telling you his actions. He in response removed himself from the group." 

"Have you seen him since?" Ginny asks, calmed down from her previous outburst. 

"I saw him a few weeks ago. Draco and I went out to breakfast and I ended up finding his kitten that had gotten out." I sit there observing the three friends as Hermione explains everything. Ginny's face is as red as her flaming hair and Harry keeps rubbing his face in frustration. Thinking back to our Hogwarts days Harry was always super protective as Hermione, he saw her as his sister. 

Once Hermione finished answering every question thrown at her I change the subject. 

"So Ginny, how is training going?" Ginny quickly sits up, her eyes lighting up before launching into the latest story about her practice session. 


Once all our our friends left I set a spell to wash the dishes before taking a seat on the couch with a cup of tea in my hands. 

"I still can't believe you got this place for us." Hermione says while taking a seat next to me, leaning into my awaiting arms. 

"Built." She looks at me confused. 

"I had this place built for us." 

"When on earth did you have time to have this built for us?" 

"The night of the gala. That moment when we were in the gazebo I knew I wanted to be with you. So I talked with Mother and we got in contact with a local wizard contract and had the plans drawn up. They finished construction only 2 days ago." 

"You had it built that quickly?" 

"It's amazing what money and magic will do." I say with a laugh. She rolls her eyes at me before letting her eyes travel over the room again. After a few minutes of comfortable silence Hermione speaks up in a small voice. 

"What did you mean by 'yet' when I said I wasn't a Malfoy?" I set my tea down on the coffee table and turn to face Hermione. 

"I mean that some time in the future there will be a time where I am going to get down on one knee and in some way beg you to agree to be stuck with me the rest of your life. And in that moment I will no longer see you as a Granger but a Malfoy." She smiles up at me before leaning into my chest, wrapping her arms around my waist. 

"Whenever that time comes I will gladly agree to be stuck with you the rest of my life." I wrap my arms around her and we sit there looking out the wall of windows. 

"I love you Hermione Jean Granger, you are my world." 

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