MariQuinn is Moving to Paris!!

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My name was MariQuinn the daughter of Harley Quinn and The Joker until I was 11. When I turned 11 I was taken away by Child Protective Services and was told to keep my real identity a secret until I new I was coming home and my Mom and Dad promised me that I would see them again one day.

—5 years later—

I'm still waiting to see my parents again after 5 years and I am now known as Marinette Dupain-Cheng, daughter of Tom Dupain and Sabine Cheng, a peppy, kind, defenseless girl. I was a very popular girl with many friends but after a girl named Lie-la Grossi— Oops I mean Lila Rossi—came and stole all my friends except Chloe, Alix, Kim, Luka, and Kagami. Even Adrien and Alya went against me. Chloe apologized to me after Lie-la started spreading her lies so now Chloe is my best friend and the only one who knows about me being from Gotham but she doesn't know who my parents are, all she knows about that is that I am adopted. I told her that I didn't know who my real parents because I don't remember them but of course I do.

In Science class we were doing a DNA test to see how they work but of course I couldn't let that happen so I told the teacher that I couldn't do the assignment because I felt faint and didn't want to get anyone sick. She seemed to  believe it so she sent me home early.

The next day

Lie-la tells everyone that I bully her and threaten her but I deflect every lie with something called common sense that apparently no one in my class other than my friends have. One day I was in class learning things that I learned when I was 3 because I was born with super intelligence. Apparently I could have graduated collage at the age of 6. I know 6 languages fluently. French, English, Spanish, Japanese, Mandarin Chinese, and Chinese. I am a black belt in 4 types of Martial Arts. They are Tae Kwon Do, Karate, KickBoxing, and Kung Fu. Of course n one could know about this at least until I am going back to Gotham, Why? I don't know why.

Well as I was saying at the end of the boring lesson the teacher announced, "I have exciting news everyone! The Waynes have gifted this class to an all expense payed trip to Gotham! We leave in three days on Monday and you have the rest of today (Thursday) and tomorrow (Friday) then the weekend to pack and get ready for the trip. I have contacted everyone's parents and you can all go! The trip is three months long!  Please be here by 8:15 but we will be leaving at 9 am sharp on Monday! Go home and pack and I will see you on Monday! Goodbye!"

Everyone was cheering and Chloe said, "Wow Mari! You get to go home!" She tried to say it quietly but our newest bully Alya heard it. Oh no.

"What do you mean she gets to go home?!" But lucky me because now that I am going home I can tell anyone!

"She mean that I get to go home to Gotham City!" I spoke up.

Chloé whispered to me, "But I thought you couldn't tell anyone Mari!"

"I can now because I know that I am going home." I whispered back only to here Lie-la saying something to Alya that was intelligible.

Then Alya walked over said tried to punch me but I was faster and grabbed her arm and put her in a head lock. "I wouldn't do that if I were you. I lived in Gotham til I was 11 so I still remember a thing or two. Haven't you ever heard that people from Gotham most likely know how to fight. Well guess what it was at least a 99.9% chance that I knew because of my family." I said putting her on the floor then pushed her towards Lie-la then I walked out as everyone looked at me stunned. I took one second to give Lie-la and Alya a glare that was worse than the Bat Glare and it sent shivers down everyone's spine. I just smiled as I walked out to go pack then go the Chloe's place.

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