Chapter 3

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         I stood there watching Ashton walk back into his house I was confused on to what had set him off.

I just decided to shrug it off and walk back into the house, I walked over to the living room laying down I decided to just stay in the house and watch tv.




I watched the tv for about an hour untill I hear a knock at the door.

I sighed getting up I walked over to the door not even bothering to look who it is through the window, I opened the door to see Ashton at my door.

"Uh hey" I said he smiled for I second before he started talking "come on were going out" he says as he gestures his arms to walk with him I just looked there confused.

"W-where" I stuttered he stopped moving his arms and ran his hand through his hair "you will just have to see huh" he grabbed my arm pulling me over to his car parked at the side of the sidewalk.

I pulled my arm back "where are we going" I say a little bit louder "im taking you out" he says and I just stand there, does he mean like a date?

"L-like a d-date" I ask as he just shrugs "yeah have a problem" I stand there flinging my arms in the air.

"Yes in fact i do your 20 im 17 we just met I hardly know you-" I was interrupted by Ashton.

"Yeah yeah yeah well im Ashton Fletcher irwin im 20 years old I live right next to you been living on this street quite some time there is that enough" he said I just roll my eyes.

"Well Ashton its not a date just as friends okay"? He noddes a yes, "and if you so as dare try anything I will- I was interrupted again by ashton "I won't try anything you can trust me on that one"




We soon arrived at a old house in the middle of nowhere I looked over to Ashton confused he let out a small chuckle and started to speak "don't worry im just dropping off some money to my friend that I owe him your welcome to come with" I shook my head getting out of the car as me and Ashton made our way to the door.

Ashton knocked twice before we heard someone yell "its open" Ashton opened the door as we walked in the house I noticed three boys on the couch smoking and drinking.

"Well well well what do we have here" a blonde boy spoke I looked down not making any eye contact.

"Just a friend Im here to drop off the money" the blonde boy shook his head while walking up to Ashton and taking the money he smiled.

"Well I want to show your friend around" the blonde boy spoke looking over to me and quickly back to Ashton, "Alright but Jane were leaving in twenty minutes" Ashton spoke I shook my head walking with the blonde man.

As we walked outside the man spoke "Im luke hemmings" he said extending his hand out to shake I smiled "I'm Jane" I never really like to give away my last name I don't know why though.

"So how do you and Ashton know eachother?" Luke asked as he showed my around his yard "well he's my neighbor" I said he said nothing he just shook his head.

"Are you guys best friends" I asked he shrugged and said "Im one of his friends but he's more like a brother to me"

"Oh" I said as he sat down on a log I sat down with him looking at the stars up in the sky "how old are you" luke asked I quickly replied and said "seventeen" he nodded and smiled "cool im only eighteen your just about my age" he said I nodded and smiled.

"Well Jane I'll consider you as my friend only if you consider me" he said looking at me with a smile "i consider" I said and only made his smile go even wider.

"Well im glad were friends Jane we should get along just fine" he said and I nodded "is this only because were close to the same age" I asked he shook his head no "Nope I like you I mean I just met you but I've got a good feeling about you" he said I gave him a small smile.
Ashtons pov
"So ash buddy you should visit more often" calum said as he handed me a beer.

"Glad too" I said popping the cape off the beer.

"So she's your neighbor" he asked smoking his cigarette I was not one to smoke or do drugs at all I don't like the smell or anything about drugs it causes alot of things so I don't do it I rather stick to drinking then do drugs.

"Yeah yeah she is" I spoke and he nodded as he put his cigarette in the ash tray he asked "you want one?" I looked at him and folded my arms "now you know for a fact I don't do drugs" I said he chuckled "yes I know" he said I rolled my eyes and looked at the time "I should get going" he nodded and pulled me in for a hug.

"I'll see you around" he asked I nodded and walked out of the door to see luke and Jane sitting on a log laughing and talking.

"Jane time to go" I said they both broke out of their conversation and looked at me, Jane nodded and stood up walking twords me.

"It was nice meeting you luke" she said and he said back "you too"
I made this as long as I could if I made any mistakes sorry.

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