chapter 16- pray for your devil

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Hello hello everyone! Back with more story and ready to write it down!

Before we start, I'm god damn excited for the new battlefield 2041 coming and I already pre-order the game.

With that Let continue the story.


??? P.O.V

???: "she not here damn it! This is wasted of our time!"

???: "calm down, there plenty time to look for her. Hey Jacob, if you done playing your toy. Hurry it up!"

Jacob: "yeah yeah, just let me finish my toy." He look the girl are tied up and duct tape to her mouth

(The left is jess the envy, the middle is Jared the wrath and the right is Jacob the lust)

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(The left is jess the envy, the middle is Jared the wrath and the right is Jacob the lust)

Jacob: "shhh shhh it okay, you won't be hurt anyone besides. I'm doing what best for you, to give birth to my child and live of our father of his legacy."

The girl crying but her voice isn't reach out anyone and jacob begin tear her pants off and as he lick his lips and the girl even more.


I place my hand on the door entrance and yep, three son of trigon in there. Envy, wrath and lust in there and also one life human girl.

Y/n: "good new and bad new magic girl."

Zatanna: "what the bad new?"

Y/n: "bad new the girl is about to get rape and get this, she 13 year old. Oof, she is going to have lot and lot of therapy. This is felt like in other world where goblins taking woman as... play toy."

Zatanna: "then what we doing?! We should help her!"

Y/n: "hang on, you didn't hear the good new."

Zatanna: "we don't have time the good news!" She was to go in but I stop her

Y/n: "we can but good new, three trigon children's are in there. I can finally kill them, they are quite a troublemaker demons when they try to kill every devil in hell."

Zatanna: "we don't have time for joke! We need to go in and save the girl." She move my arm away and she blast the door.

Three demons look at the door and see Zatanna with his light magic on her hands.

Envy: "who the fuck is this?"

Lust: "great another chick."

All three of them look at zatanna and shoot fire at her, zatanna speak magic in backward freezing the fire.

Zatanna: "y/n, this will be the best time to help out..." she look beside her and I'm not even there

Wrath: "don't turn your back at us girl!"

Son of the Morningstar (DC x Male Devil Reader)discontinued Where stories live. Discover now