Chapter 20 - Possession

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New OC:

Namanari Ōtsutsuki - Eldest of Hamura's triplet daughters. Kūjōshi's insane, beautiful, cocky, cunning, and evil mother. Named after a type of hannya from mythology.

Ch.22: Possession

Later, that night Seihana displayed her alchemy laboratory to Madara. She had relocated in the extra empty room of the house with a square hearth. The mysterious smell that fumed the room reminded him of the essence of his wife. Such an odour was most prevalent in her hair.

He searched though the phials and beakers in search of where the smell came from. He picked up a filled nut labelled smoke bomb. He placed the object in his robe before Seihana noticed. Continuing on He found the flask labeled 'The Red Lotus'.

He uncorked the flask. He commented, "This smells familiar."

"It was all over me the night of our fornication." She revealed smiling.

"Impressive, You use nature to fool a man's senses."

She mused coldly, "A man with a goal is blind to his instinctual weakness and subconscious purpose. He achieves those goals for a desired outcome and feeling. However he comes to loath the outcome of his natural purpose."

Seihana's explanation angered Madara. He reflected, "You think I will come to resent our child? You forget I chose you knowing that I would have to fight to keep you and our child with me. That night wasn't simply lust and an accidental conception."

"It was planned and intended "

Madara touched her beating chest. He insisted, "Do you really think Senju was really going to do that for you? To him you are a forbidden indulgence. He may have special feelings for you but He wasn't ever going to marry you and have children with you. He had other aims when it came to you."

Sei's manner changed as if she was another person, "How could you know that?"

"He told me himself."

Sei wiped her tears away from her eyes with her long pink sleeve. She said, "I know you are not lying to me... It was something I should have never pursued."

"It has brought us to this point. I have no regrets."

Sei glaced down to her side, "I hate my own weakness."

"I will be strong for you."

"Madara, My love... Thank you."

He urged on, "My love?"

She refused the comfort, "A hardened man like you has no need for such assurances."

He pushed her hair back from her lovely face, "Yes, I have no need for love just a companion. Your love is just a plus."

Three/half months later, Early August

On the first of August Hashirama invited Madara to Senju Manor to discuss his leadership. He did not like to mix work with pleasure but this was important, he needed to discuss Konoha's  debt. With Sei (whom only had two weeks left in her pregnancy) he arrived at the manor.

"You've increased Konoha's debt because of your incessant gambling?"

"My friend I didn't say that... Having an en tourage is expensive."

"Entourage my as-"

Tobirama interrupted disdainfully, "I would be able to decrease Konoha's debt down within months. Yet, my brother chooses this fool."

Sei barely paid attention to the conversation the three men were having. She thought to herself caressing her stomach, 'Oh, Baby, They must be fighting over me again... (Sigh) Is this my lot in life? I hope you don't make the same mistake.'

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