Character Profile - Aikiku Senju

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Character Inspiration: Monkeys

Name meaning- Ai means love, kiku is chrysanthemum... I think.

Nickname/Aka- A walking disaster, Annoying little sister. (This is the designated annoying character for this fanfic. Dislike her if you wish.)

Anime stereotype- Dojikko-yandere

Affiliation- Senju clan, Village Hidden In Leaves.

Gender- Female

Age - N/A

Birthday- May 20 ♉♊

Zodiac Sign- Taurus/Gemini cusp. 🐂🐒

Blood type- AB+

Height- 45ib

Weight- 5'0"

Skin color- light tan

Eye color- warm brown

Hairstyle/Color- strawberry blonde

Clothing- shrine priestess clothing

Upbringing - Aikiku was born shortly before her mother died. Such made their father quite resentful of his own daughter. He ignored her most of the time but it was her elder brothers who contributed most to her early training.

Habits- klutzy behavior, being annoying just to make others angry.

Strengths- affectionate,

Weaknesses- annoyingness. (more annoying than Sakura.)

Favorite foods- Red bean soup, sweets.

Least favorite food- spicy food.

Favorite Colors- purple and pink.

Likes- ticking people off, playing the flute.

Dislikes- people being rude, staring, glaring.

Hates- When her curse jutsu fails and it fails alot, being treated like a child.

Loves- Izuna.

Fears- loosing her beloved.

Hobbies- Izuna, staff training, stalking people.

Personality- A jokester who loves to get under people's skin. Headstrong, sometimes a klutz (probably needs glasses), determined to stand without the coddling of her family, dedicated to her art. Even studying in the temple of the God of Fate did not change her goofball personality.

Philosophy- Izuna is important more soo than myself, my family, and this world.

Priorities- Making sure Izuna is safe and well looked after.... Fricken yanderes.

Family- Fuck her family only Izuna senpai is important.


- All basic ninja skills

- Futon.

-Tenton, heaven, divine style. Mostly protective and healing craft of the style.

- Bojutsu.

- Curse jutsu

- Hex talismans and charms.

- Empathy. Aikiku knows the thought and feelings of those around her like a sixth sense.

Favorite person/role model: Izuna

Worse thing that could happen to them: Loosing her beloved.

What would break them: Look above.

Best/Worst thing in their life- Above.

What are they reluctant to tell people? I love Izuna.

Opinions on sex/relationships: Everyone knows Izuna is the answer.

How does the character acts differ from how they really are? Acts cute, logical and affectionate but is actually kinda crazy.

Fun facts-

- Oh, My Izuna. Izuna is Aikiku's god, true love and savior. Where Madara loves his brother Aikiku is obsessed with him.

-After Izuna's fight with Tobirama. Aikiku went a bit crazy and tempted to curse her own brother. Her curse failed and manifested quite differently than intended. Whenever a person whom her bro could have possible feelings for is around Aikiku a harm inducing effect happens onto this person. That is why Sei partially drowned in ch2. The only way this curse stops is if Aikiku dies and she will.

- For some reason her curses do not work against her own family.

- Aikiku has about two curses she placed on herself willingly and unwilling.

Biography- Aikiku is your stereotypical energetic person. During her childhood she was ignored by her father because her mother died giving birth to her. Though by the survival skills of her brothers and her own she made it through and lived longer than it was expected of her. Aikiku was always instinctively empathic with other people especially her siblings. No matter what age she always had the back of her elder brothers. With the help of her brothers she learnt futon and bojutsu. Around 10 years she entered the Temple Of The God Of Fate. Where she learned divine arts and curse jutsu. In the process of learning curse jutsu she had to become stained by the style herself. She bestowed the first curse onto herself called 'The Favor Of Fate' which allowed her to take the luck of others and bestow it upon herself for exchange of grace. So she became a klutz. She returned to Senju with her new talents five years later rejoining her brothers.

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