Chapter 3 - Apology From The Gardener God 🍃🙏

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It was two days after the fiasco. Hashirama felt guilty about what he said to Sei. Being drunk wasn't an excuse for such behaviour. He pondered during work at his desk what he could do to make it up to her. What he could do to make it right.

Madara seemed to notice. "What's bothering you, Hashirama?" Madara was filing out paper work for a new project.

"The way we behaved to Lady Hyūga is bothering me... We have to make it up to her somehow..."

"Apologize?! To that she-devil? She kicked me... My manhood was numb for two days..." Madara replied bluntly.

"Numb? I thought it would be something worse? hahahaha! Permanent testicular damage?" Hashirama made a nuisance of Madara.

"I felt a slight discomfort after she kicked me then seconds later it stopped... Other than the temporary numbness she did not injure me..." Madara spoke rolling up the edict scroll. "I never heard of a Hyūga using a technique that numbs the body... That Hyūga vixen interests me in many ways. In mind, body and spirit."

Hashirama  embarrassed the Uchiha even more, "Peeing must have been awkward for those two days..."

Madara returned boldly, "Shut up! Hashirama!... If you must make it up. Invite her to dinner, give her flowers of forgiveness...  Something that a woman would like."

"Yes, We should invite her to dinner." It was Mitō who agreed placing a cup of hot tea on Hashirama's desk. She sat in his lap.

Hashirama requested from both of his companions, "What does a woman want?"

Madara guessed smiling in Mitō's direction, "To be treated like a goddess."

Mitō spoke the truth chastely kissing Hashi's cheek, "Us women want everything... Love, power, understanding,  peace and a partner who is honest, playful and understanding."

"Pour some tea for me, Goddess?" Madara blithely flirted with Mitō knowing her answer would be no.

She mocked looking down at him, "You can pour it yourself."


On the balcony Seihana watched her two younger siblings Raikō and Suzume practice on dummies outside in the verandah. Tora leaned on the railing smiling down at the two children. Lady Sei had been unusually quiet for the last few days. Judging by her facial expressions and antics something whatever it was effected  her emotionally in a longing way.

"Sei... You are in love?"

"Where were you two nights ago?" Sei inquired.

"Oh... I went to a bar with those two guards. They're brothers twins to be specific."

Seihana lectured her, "I hope you didn't make a scene. The Hyūga elders don't approve of young Hyūga maidens seducing young pages that are not of the Hyūga."

"Hah! You're one to talk! Where were you two nights ago? By the look on your face, you're just as guilty as me." Tora simmered.

Sei blushed insinuating, "A man you would never expect told me he was entranced by me and embraced me."

"Hahaha! Let me guess he's a guy you just got to know better than before? And you're head over heels already? Aw, Sei... Life is not fair for us; Hyūga women. Our lives and marriages are already planned the day we are born." Tora sarcastically mourned.

"I'm sorry you are engaged to my asshole of a twin brother..." Sei gave her a sympathetic frown.

"It's none of your fault. Even your brother is not a complete jerk. Alas, you suffer the same fate as me." Tora sighed resting her chin on Sei's shoulder.

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