The First Encounter!

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"Hey, I want a double spicy tequila.",a man with a deep husky voice shouted. He was a tall and handsome man who was in his late 20s. He wore a red velvet coat and black pants with leather loafers.He was sitting on the VIP couch across the bar room with three girls beside him.That was his usual place to fulfill his DESIRES! It was during the late hours of the day,the bar had high volume music on and the disco lights were shining bright through the dance floor. Few were drunk while few just entered the bar to get drunk in their sorrows. Not everyone was tensed, there were also a few people who came with their colleagues or partners to celebrate some victory of the day! "Where is my tequila man? " he shouted again, this time arrogantly. "Coming right now " the bartender replied with fear which made his voice crack a little. After a few seconds, a waiter around his late 30s came inside the room to serve him his drink. While he was about to serve him,he had a sudden slip of his hand and the drink fell on the mysterious man's coat. "Oops!", one of the girls exclaimed. "What a nuisance!" followed by another girl."I am sorry sir, I don't know how my hand slipped. Let me clea...." - just when the bartender was explaining his deed, the mysterious man raised up his hand that indicated the waiter to stop! "Call your manager!" ,the man said. "Sir please I am....." , "I SAID CALL YOUR MANAGER!" this time the man shouted while he stood up. The manager rushed in. "What's the matter Mr.Pasagilla?Anything I can help with?" the manager enquired with quite nervousness. "Look!" the mysterious man replied while pointing towards the wet portion of his coat. "Look what your waiter did! And what happened to the rule I made? Why isn't there a female waitress to assist me?" ,he was quite arrogant when he said this."I am sorry Mr.Pasagilla,the waitress that assisted you last night have resigned herself!" ,the manager replied.He continued, "But don't worry, I appointed a new waitress to assist you.She is getting trained tonight!". "Worry?" ,Mr.Pasagilla replied with a loud laugh. "Do you think I will worry about a woman resigning?" he asked with humor. "No I am sorry for saying that. The woman we recently appointed is really good. She is someone with strong will.",the manager said. Mr.Pasagilla puts his hands in his pocket and said "I don't care, bring me her details!". Just when this whole scene was going on, the new trainee who was newly appointed was peeping out through the door of the training room. "What's happening out there Ma'am? Who is that arrogant man?",she,who was clueless about the whole situation,asked her senior waitress. "Rosie,that's Shane Pasagilla. The CEO of 'Broskin' the biggest wine making company of Australia.", she continues "He is really arrogant and thinks that money is the key to every solution." This time she whispers "Stay safe Rosie,you will be assisting him next.He only wants women around him.Every single woman resigned the next day after assisting him the previous night. God knows what he does to them! "."Hmm.... ",Rosie replied with a sense of wonder. She gets out of her apron and went into the bathroom.Rosie was petrified! She rushed to the wash basin to wash her face so that no one sees the scared side of her. She wanted to put up with her strong and bold image that she created in front of the other people.She was scared but she also wanted to know who this man was!She looked into the mirror and starred at herself. When she thought of Shane's nature, her imagination went wild. She started making up scary scenes inside her mind in split seconds. She suddenly shooked her head and murmured to herself "Stop it Rosie, everything is gonna be okay!". Her mind was still full of curiosity and confusion. She again murmured to herself out of wonder,"How on earth this man has the ability to wrap everyone around his finger?"On the other hand,the manager rushed out to bring Rosie's details.After a few minutes, the manager came in and handed over the file ,that contained Rosie's details,to Shane,who was sitting on couch with crossed legs.Shane took the file with his right hand and then he went through the file. He flipped pages over pages that contained Rosie's qualities saying "It's so boring ". He then quickly skipped over to the personal details. He said "Mmm interesting.."
He started reading it out loud-
"Name -Rosie Walter.
Age - 24.
Hometown- Brisbane.
Weight - 59kgs.
Height-5.1 inches.
Passion - Playing Piano."
He soon jumped onto the next detail-
"Characteristics - Wi...."
"Whoa!",Shane exclaimed with a sense of wonder and curiosity on his face. The girls sitting near him looked at his face and started to think what's wrong . The manager tried to peep into the file, to check if he wrote something wrong. Shane further continued and he was shocked to see what's written on it. His mouth parted a bit that allowed his tongue to come out a little. When he started reading it,the corners of his lips curved into a intimidating smirk and said "Man!She's.................."

A/N : Please vote for my story if you liked the first chapter. Also please, recommend it to your fellow readers !

Thank you for reading the first chapter lovelies.
- With love,
Sri ♥

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