The Press Conference !

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"You know what my desires are so..... "." I am sorry Mr.Shane. Let's keep going." -Rosie said and stepped forward. They both entered into the hotel. When they entered, Rosie first saw a huge room with deemed light to dine. She also felt the aroma of scented candles filling the room. It was elegant and beautiful. But once she casted her eyes to the other corner of the room, she saw a bunch of reporters and cameramen ready to interview them. After seeing all these, Rosie was able to guess the reason behind Shane bringing her on a date. Yes, he wanted to make it official.

Shane and Rosie went and sat on the large dinner table with a lot of dishes to eat . Shane poured some red wine for Rosie. The reporters surrounded them and started asking questions. One of them asked, "Mr.Shane ,we always knew the bachelor attitude of yours. What made you change your mind so suddenly? Why do you want to get married? ". Shane holded Rosie's hand beneath the table and indicated her to stay quiet. He took her hand out with him and said, "Well, life is unplanned. I actually never thought it would be like this but you can't help it when you have already fallen in love. I fell in love with this little woman and I can't wait to make her mine!". Rosie looked at Shane at his eyes and thought, "Woah! What an actor! Never imagined he can speak such sweet words:-) ". Shane looked back at her and thought in his mind, "I know what you are thinking miss. Stay quiet or else you are sleeping on the sofa today:-)" . "Oh right, you'll be the one sleeping on the sofa :-)" . It was like they were talking with each other via their eyes and it was kinda cute to be very precise. They were still staring at each other when another reporter interrupted their moment ,"Awww you both are so cute together. We just saw the chemistry between you both, it's so true! ". "Huh!Only if you knew what was happening. " - Rosie whispered. Shane heard this and looked at Rosie across the corner of his eyes and said, "Mmmhhhmm. ". Rosie immediately changed her expression. "So when are you both getting married?" - another reporter asked. Shane replied, "Ahh! Tomorrow is the day. ". Rosie spoke out, "To-tomo....", but Shane interrupted, "Shut up! ". "It's so soon. Congratulations to both of you. Now all of us wants to see a kiss."- a female reporter spoke up. "Kiss" "Kiss" "Kiss" ,after her everyone started to demand. Shane and Rosie stood up . Rosie was hesitating while Shane was smiling. "Okay" ,Shane said and stepped towards Rosie. He said to Rosie, "Give in " and then he pulled her into a passionate kiss. Once their lips met everyone went silent. Reporters were enjoying the view while the cameramen were busy taking photos. Rosie wanted to pull away but she had to give in. She didn't return the kiss, instead she let Shane kiss her. Once the kiss was over, Shane murmured into Rosie's ears,"Good job baby girl, I am impressed. Can't deny that the strawberry flavored balm you use is going well with your soft lips.". Rosie's cheeks went red after hearing this. Yes, she was blushing. Shane gave a peck on Rosie's cheeks and pulled away. It was like he didn't want to pull away but he had to, since it's a public place. Shane wasn't able to resist her. He didn't know how but he usually looses his self control around Rosie. He never felt this way, never. He was never attracted to any girl like this. Meanwhile Rosie was awestrucked. Even after Shane pulled away, she could still feel the butterflies in her stomach dancing, jumping and doing whatever they wanted to. Sparks were flying in air.

After a while, the interview ended and Shane and Rosie left for shopping. Shane said that they were shopping for their wedding. Rosie also had some questions to ask on the way. Once they sat inside the car, Rosie asked, "Will you answer me if I ask you something? ". "I will!" ,Shane replied in an instance. Rosie continued, "Okay so, why did you say that we are getting married tomorrow? ". "We are actually getting married tomorrow. I have got an emergency.".    Rosie was angry after hearing this , she asked with a high tone, "Emergency? How can you take such a big decision without asking me? ". "Listen I -i.. " .    "No you listen today. Did you even think of telling me about this, at least before the conference? ".     "Rosie I-i.... ",Rosie kept on speaking. Even though Shane wanted to explain, she didn't even give him a chance to do so .     She kept on speaking, "I signed the contract just today, what's so important that you can't even give me some time? At least a da...." "Rosie! " , Shane raised his voice this time and pinned her against the back seat of the car. The driver saw this and immediately pulled down the privacy panel just so he doesn't see anything they do. On the other hand, Shane leaned in closer. Rosie couldn't do anything but freezed. Shane was so not used to see Rosie letting her guard down. The real intentions behind Shane leaning in closer was just to whisper into her ears but he ended up kissing her. Yes their lips met. It wasn't anything like the kisses that happened before. This time it was different. This time Rosie returned the kiss. They both melted into the moment and their lips moved in a perfect sync. Rosie was just enjoying the kiss when Shane pulled away. He pulled away in the intention to stop whatever was happening but when he looked at Rosie again, her features made him loose control. He ended up dropping wet kisses beneath Rosie's jawline. He waited for a moment and lifted his head up to nip at Rosie's earlobe and then continued with his wet kisses. At first it was soft and sweet but gradually it turned into wild and passionate. Rosie wrapped her legs around Shane's waist so that he could have an easy access to her body. His mouth kept on going downwards until he reached Rosie's cleavage. It was then when Rosie regained her senses and pushed him away. Shane felt onto the other side of the seat and realized how wrong he was.    He said, "I am sorry for what I did right now. I shouldn't have done this without your permission.". "I-i-it's o-o-okay! ", Rosie replied in a low voice. They both managed to arrange the clothes they were wearing in a proper way. After that it was total silence until they reach the boutique.

Once they entered the boutique, one of their employees took them to the VIP room. Once Rosie entered the room she saw several wedding dresses lined up. Shane went and chose a wedding gown for Rosie and asked her to change into it. Meanwhile when Rosie was trying out her gown he went and chose a beige coloured tuxedo for himself. After trying it out, he looked at himself in the mirror and decided to buy that one for him. He was just fixing his bow when he saw Rosie coming out in the wedding dress he chose for her. He turned back to look at her. He felt mesmerized to see Rosie in that dress. That flowy and puffy dress he chose for her made her look prettier. The lace work seemed to perfectly match the texture of her skin. Shane felt like she was some kind of a princess walking out of that changing room.           He said, "This is the dress you'll be wearing tomorrow.". Rosie nodded without a single debate. The employee who was assisting them quickly brought the swipe machine. Shane payed for the dresses and left the boutique. They were sitting inside the car when Shane said, "You'll be living in my house today. It's neuther safe for you nor for my image for you to go back there.". "But my-" , Shane interrupted Rosie saying, " Don't worry, there are people to take care of your dad. Also, Luis went to invite him personally for the wedding. Your friends were personally invited too.". "What did my dad say? ",Rosie asked out of curiosity. "Haha he was happy! " ,Shane replied with a slight laugh.  They reached Shane's home and Rosie was awestruck to see Shane living in such a big house. Shane's butler welcomed Rosie in and took her into her room. Both of them freshened up and had dinner. They didn't talk to each other during the whole time. After dinner ,they went to their respected rooms to sleep.  Shane sat on his bed and started thinking about what happened in the car today. He realized that he was trying hard up-to his limits to control himself. On the other hand Rosie was just lying on her bed and was thinking about how her life took a turn. She said to herself, "Tomorrow is the day!". Just when she was thinking about all this, she heard a knock on her door. She tried to enquire who that person was but that person didn't reply. He kept on knocking. Rosie angrily went up-to the door. She opened the door and, "You? What are you doing here this late?What if someone sees you?".................

A/N - Hey lovelies, yes I am late to update today too. I am actually very sorry for delaying my work. I just can't thank you all enough for bearing with me. Thank you so much. I love you.
With love,
~Sri ♥

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