#9 - Will you marry me?

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.........You d-do-don't have to do this if you don't want to!"

Rosie looked at Shane with wide eyes. She was stunned to see him speaking all these. She couldn't move.

"Did I just turned a monster into a human? " - she thought in her mind.

"No, I want to do this! " - Rosie held Shane's hand and started pacing towards the aisle. Shane on the other hand was shocked at first but then a smile formed on his lips , a pure and affectionate smile.

"I love you my wife - to - be! " - he thought in his mind but didn't say it out loud because he somewhere was afraid that he might lose her after confessing.

While they were walking towards the aisle, Rosie's mind was busy in it's own thoughts. She had a lot of questions in her head but one of them was, "Am I falling for him? I mean I could have rejected him now , it was already my profit but why didn't I? I think I love you Mr. Shane Pasagilla? "
After thinking about all these in her head, she turned back to have a look at Shane. She saw him staring at her and smiling. Surprisingly she smiled back at him.

They both entered into the hall and people started clapping. Rosie's best friends who were also her bride's maids, Ani and Claire saw them entering and ran towards them. Claire held Rosie's hand and asked, "Are you okay? " . Rosie nodded in reply.

Meanwhile Ani hugged her and questioned, "Where were you? We all were worried! "

Rosie said, "It's fine now! " and smiled.

All of them started walking to the aisle and Shane and Rosie stood in their respective places once they reached there.

Shane instructed the Father to start and he started chanting something. After a few chants, it was time for Shane to deliver the groom's speech .

Shane previously thought of delivering the speech that Luis made for him but it seemed like he had something else planned then. He knelt  down to the ground and took out the diamond ring.

"Well this tiny human right here is nothing that I imagined she would be. At first I thought she was just an egoistic woman with a lot of self obsession but who knew that she was so fragile and so caring inside? I don't know when I fell for her but I eventually did! I want to spend the rest of my life with her!" - Shane held Rosie's hand and Rosie was shocked to hear Shane speaking all these because she knew that the speech he prepared had something else in it. Something bitter.

Shane continued ,"So will you marry me Ms.Pretty Lady?". The line was accompanied by a smile that escaped from Shane's lips. Even though Shane didn't confess directly but he still did some part of it.

Rosie was still in a awe of that moment. Her eyes started to tear up. She wanted to speak something but no words came out of her mouth. So she smiled and nodded in reply instead.

Shane looked at her and without wasting any moment he slid the ring into Rosie's finger. He stood up and looked into Rosie's eyes.

"You may now kiss the bride! " - the Father said and everyone else in the room started shouting *kiss* *kiss* *kiss *

Both of them looked at each other and smiled. Shaned pulled Rosie by her waist and locked their lips. Rosy was stunned at first but it didn't take her much time to respond to the kiss. It was a warm yet passionate kiss.

Both of them pulled themselves out of the kiss before they go any deeper.

The wedding was over and people came to congratulate them. Luis, Ani and Claire also came to congratulate them.

"My boy is a grown up man now huh? " - Luis mocked at Shane and slightly punched in Shane's arm. Shane blushed in return.

Ani and Claire also congratulated them.

"Well Rosie I hid something from you! " - Ani said hesitantly.

"What? Well what did you do now? " - Rosie replied with a bit of disappointment.

Ani walked up-to Luis and snaked her arms around Luis's.

Rosie's and Shane's jaws dropped while Claire wore the same expression.

Ani continued, "Well Luis and I are kinda dating right now! "

"What? Why did you hide it from me and when did this happen? " - Rosie asked.

"I wanted to tell you but there was already a lot of things going on so I couldn't and it didn't actually happen long ago. We met the day when Shane got into a fight with the goons in your bar. I went to visit you but saw Luis there. We both started off as enemies but I don't know how, we fell for each other so.. " - Ani said shyly while looking at the ground.

Rosie looked at Claire if she can accept them and Claire nodded in response.

Rosie turned to Ani said, "It seems Claire also knows about it. I am kinda disappointed but I must agree that there were a lot of things going on these few days. Anyways you have my blessings! " - Rosie replied with a smile and patted Ani's head.

Ani was happy . She hugged Rosie and thanked her.

"Well we will take a leave now. I need to spend some time with my girlfriend! " - Luis looked at Ani and said. Ani blushed in return.

Rosie and Claire saw this and that both looked at each other with evil smirk.

"Aaaww so sweet! " - Rosie and Claire both said mockingly cuz they knew that Ani hates these kinds of cheesy teasing and all.

"Ahh stop you both of you. And you! " - Ani pointed at Shane. "You better take good care of my friend or else I will break your balls! " - she said.

Shane raised his hands up and said, "I swear I will ma'am!"

Everyone laughed and the blissful moment came to an end.

--------------------Time Skip ----------------------

The hall was almost empty and it was already time for Shane and Rosie to leave. They both bid goodbye to the workers there and walked towards the door. They both got into the car and Shane indicated some directions to the driver.

Rosie thought that they were going home. She leaned her head backwards and closed her eyes since she was tired after the wedding.

The car stopped after some moment. Rosie opened her eyes and noticed that it was not their home. She turned to Shane and asked, "Where are we? "

Shane smiled and got out of the car. He walked towards Rosie to open her side of door.

Rosie got out of the car and said, "Shane we-......"

"Shh wifey, don't ask anything if you trust me okay? " - Shane interrupted her half way.

Rosie was confused but still nodded.

Shane said, "Let's go then! "


A/N- I know potatoes that I took ages to update again but what can I do? My exams are going on and that kept me busy lately. I am sorry 😔

So we are heading towards the end of this book. There is only one chapter left and I am already feeling bad about ending it. But in some ways I am happy about it too. I can now focus on my new book, that's the fanfic.  It's getting published next month. It's my first time writing a fanfic and that too on my bias.  The most troublesome thing is that it has smut scenes 😩

Anyways, thanks for reading another chapter of my story. I love you. I promise I will update the epilogue asap.
With love,
~Sri 💜💫

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