17: The Night Shift

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It didn't take long for everyone to settle down that night. However, sleep was more elusive for some. Suki in particular couldn't quite turn her mind off. Maybe it was because the crickets were so loud here, or possibly it was because she was aware of her company. Either way, she couldn't say she was surprised when she heard someone shuffling out of their sleeping bag.

She waited until their footsteps were far enough away before opening her eyes. Once again, she wasn't shocked when she saw that Kida's spot was empty. Suki looked around, seeing the fleeting back of Kida's red top vanishing into the woods.

Suki rolled over and prodded Sokka. "Sokka, wake up."

"No," Sokka groaned, swatting her away as he tried to roll over.

Suki stopped being gentle and smacked his arm. "Get up!"

Sokka wrenched one eye open to glare at her. "What?"

"Your sister just left."

Sokka opened the other eye, frowning as he looked around at the camp. No, she hadn't. Katara was lying right there. Then it suddenly hit him that both of his sisters were supposed to be there. He shot up. "Where did she go?"

"I don't know. She just left." Suki pushed herself to her feet. "I'm going to follow her, you wake up the others."

Sokka nodded but Suki didn't see as she had already started towards the forest.

She had seen the general direction Kida had gone but Suki didn't know these woods so she would need to stay fairly close in order to keep up with Kida. Suddenly the crickets which had been gnawing at her attempt to sleep became extremely helpful as she used the sound to cover her steps.

They traveled for some time to what seemed like the middle of nowhere. Suki figured she was trying to make a break for it so she could hunt for Mitsuko on her own. Hopefully, the others would catch up soon, they were more likely to be able to persuade her without violence—not that Suki was opposed to the notion at this point.

Kida rounded a large boulder near a wide stream as if realizing she couldn't go that way without a bridge. Suki momentarily wondered if Kida actually knew where she was going or not. The thought had hardly crossed Suki's mind before she felt an abrupt, sharp pain against her back. Her hands became wet then cold and suddenly she couldn't move.

Suki looked at her predicament. She was frozen to the boulder and had no means of escape other than waiting for it to melt.

"A tired Kyoshi Warrior is a useless thing," Kida said, emerging from some brush nearby. "I heard you almost as soon as I left the camp."

Suki glared at Kida. "Then why did you lead me all the way out here?"

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