~Part 28~

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You walk out the door holding clays hand. You guys walk down the street just admiring the stars. "I really hope she will be ok." You say looking up. Clay agrees. You guys walk to your local park and get on the swings.


"Ok ok let me try something." Clay says laughing. He gets super high up and jumps. You laugh historically until he yells, "ow shit." You slow down and jump of running to his side. "Oh my gosh Clay are you alright." You lean down looking at his leg. He tackles you down beside him, "gotcha." You look him in the eyes, "not funny." He laughs and squeezes you cheek, "I am funny." You sit up and look up at the sky. He sits up and wraps and arm around your shoulder. "It's really pretty tonight."  You say. "Not as pretty as you." Clay says looking at you. "Jesus clay you sound like you have never touched a women in your life before." You say looking at him. He gives a smirk, "Your neck would say-" you cover his mouth with your hand, "ok shut it." You say blushing. "Only if I get a kiss." He says smiling like a little kid.

"Mm I'll think about it, let's start walking home." You say standing up, brushing your legs off." He gets up and grabs your hand and starts walking. You guys walk in silence until you get a text. "Probably just Alex." You say grabbing your phone. You see you got a picture sent from your dad. "Oh my god." You say Turing the phone to clay.
It's a picture of you and clay walking.

You look behind you to see no one. Clay grabs your hand and starts running. You start to laugh a little while running but that laugh starts to turn into a scream. You guys reach home and he locks the door quickly. You guys check all the windows and other doors just to make sure. You quickly go to your room with clay following behind, "Clay I'm scared." You say sitting on your bed. He holds you tight "I know, just try to get some rest. I'll watch the cameras." You nod and lay down. Clay lays next to you with one arm wrapped around your head and the other on his phone, watching the security cameras for anything. Shortly after he falls asleep holding his phone.

You wake up with clay still having his phone in his hand and the other around you. You laugh at him moving his arm. "Noo, lay back down Sophie." He says half asleep. You give a confused face, "what?" You say. He hums "hm?" "You just said Sophie? That's not my name? What the hell clay!" You scream, getting up. He says something under his breath then sits up. "I'm sorry y/n. I didn't mean it." He says grabbing your hand. You pull your hand away, "Who the hell is Sophie!" You ask. "It's a girl, well a friend of mine," he says. "Why the hell would you be sleeping with her?" You ask with a disgust face. "I'm not. I swear, I was just tired, please understand that." He says tearing up. You start laughing a little. "Are y-you crying?" You say stifling your laugh. "Shut up. I just don't wanna loose you." He says embarrassed.

You start to feel a little bad, "I'm sorry clay." You sit down and hug him. "Don't ever tell anyone about that." He says pinning you down. "Mm what's in it for me?" You say laughing. He leans down and kisses you. "That." He smirks. "Ok, ok." You say pushing him off you. You get a call from Niki's mom.  "Hello?" You hear crying on the other side of the phone, "Hello yes it's n-nikis mom. Please come quick." "Ok absolutely." You say hanging the phone up and getting up. "What's wrong." Clay asks. "Nikis mom needs me there." You say slipping on a clean shirt. "Can I come?" He asks. "Yeah sure, hurry up." You say putting your shoes on. You fix your hair a little and rush out the door, Clay following behind. "I'll be back mom, goodbye!" You start the car, thinking of all the terrible things. You start speeding down the road.

"Y/n slow down. Your gunna crash." Clay says resting a hand on your arm. "I'm sorry, I'm scared for Niki." You get there after 5 minutes. You park in a spot and rush in the hospital. You meet Nikis mom there. You hug her and ask, "can I see her?" She nods. "Can I come back, or should I stay here?" Clay asks. "Just stay here for now." You say. You walk back quickly with Nikis mom.

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