~Part 32~

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I lay awake not being able to fall asleep. I look at clay peacefully sleeping next to me. I turn to look at the time, "3:45am" I get up quietly trying to not wake up clay. I knock on Alex's door quietly. I hear some moving around and he opens the door. "Hey sorry to bother but, did clay say anything else today?" You ask. "We'll he kinda just seemed really scared." He says leaning against the door. "Why didn't he call me?" You ask. "I don't know maybe he didn't wanna bother you?" He says. "He could never bother me, only thing that bothered me is the stupid bitch Kayla." You say angry. "Everything's ok now." He says yawing. "Yeah your right, go ahead go back to bed, sorry for waking you." You say. "No it's fine, I was up just playing a game, but I probably should go to bed." He says closing the door. You walk into the kitchen and sit.

You grab your phone out and try to find Kayla on social media. You finally find he Instagram account.

Slight tw possibly.

I tap on the first photo, it's a picture of her in a bikini at the beach. You scroll though her account some more. "Wow, she really is pretty. Why would clay ever leave her, especially for someone like...me?" You can feel yourself tearing up but quickly wipe them away.

You stand up and get a cup of water. You lean against the counter and take a sip, while looking out the window. "You ok?" A voice says while wrapping there arms around you. "Yeah I'm fine." You say turning around. Clay leans in to kiss you ur you swerve him.

"Why'd you choose me?" You ask. "Hm?" He hums. "There's so many other girls you could choose, why me?" You ask. He picks you up and sets you on the counter. "Well, your pretty." He says cupping your face, "your smart." He says leaning in and kissing you. "Your also very funny." He says grabbing your hands.

"But Kayla-" you start. "No, no Kayla, I don't like her, she sucks, you're better then she could ever be." he says.

"You sure?" You ask him. He cups your face, "of course, I love you so much." You smile and wrap your arms around his neck. He wraps his arms around your waist, picking you up and taking you back to your room. Once you get under the blankets he lays next to you, holding you close.

"Thank you clay." You say. "For what?" He asks. You turn around, "for being here, being with me." You smile. "I wouldn't want it any other way." He says kissing you. "Now get some sleep, you idiot." He says wrapping his arms around you and pulling you on his chest. "I love you." You say to him. "I love you to." He says, smiling.

_____Time skip to the morning_____

Your turn over, studying clays features. The black eye looks terrible and it's all your fault.

You rub your thumb over his eye slowly. He flinches and slowly opens his eyes. "Didn't mean to wake up." You say looking in his eyes. He cups your face with his hand.

"You're so fucking pretty." He says. "I could say the same about you." You say while chuckling. "Blah blah blah." He says getting up. "Where are you going?" You say looking at him. "I need to go home today." He says fixing his hair in the mirror. "Mm ok." You say a little suspicious with him.

He always wants to be here and all of a sudden, he doesn't? Maybe I'm just over thinking it.

"Goodbye then," you say rolling back over. He comes beside you and twists you back, so your looking at him. You raise and eyebrow. He leans in and kisses you, the kiss lasted about 10 seconds. When he pulls away he says, "you know I love you and only you." You smile, "I love you too and only you." He laughs and walks out.

You grab your phone, checking the time, *10:45am* you roll back over and try to go back to bed. About 2 minutes later you get a call. You pick it up, "hello?" You say yawning. "Oh I'm sorry sweetie I didn't know you were asleep, I can call back later." Nikis mom says. You sit up, "no, no that's ok I can talk." You say, rubbing your eyes.

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