Beach Bar Boys

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- Meanwhile at the Bar -

- Mark's P.O.V -

"But yeah, Amy has been doing well with the trip from what I have noticed. I bet she's enjoying herself with the girls back at the house. She's probably showing them some motherly love." I finished.

"Yeah, it's good to have the separation to bond with the same gender from time to time." Bob added. "Like how we are right now. It's nice to just have that time away."

"I agree- but remember..." Ethan began. "Xena isn't really a girl. They don't identify fully with their naturally born gender. But I do agree that having that separation is needed at times."

"Yeah. But I'm sure they still enjoy having time with Y/N, Mika, and Amy nonetheless." Wade said.

"Xena is a big person on quality time. Y/N is good at amplifying the energy. Amy is a wonderfully situated mediator. And Mika is a protective spirited person." Seán told us. "They'll get along just fine."

"You think very highly of Xena, Seán." Ethan patted his back. Seán's face was brushed with a light pink color. He chuckled to himself, scratching the back of his neck.

"Well, I admire the fact that we radiate the same energy. That's what really allowed us to bond quickly." He replied.

"Ooo!~" Bob teased him. "Is someone getting flustered?"

"Oh, fuck off you nosey bitch!" Seán exclaimed in his thickest Irish accent ever. The group laughed.

"Speaking of.." Seán took a deep sigh. "I need all of your help and opinions."

The mood of the table switched from being very relaxed to worried about what Seán needed from us. The rest of us shifted our attention to him. He, on the other hand, began to look terrified.

"What's up dude?" Bob asked.

"Well...I want to do something special for Xena. I've been thinking about it for some time and I want to go through with it. Can you guys help me sort it out?" Seán said sliding over a note sheet he had folded in his pocket. The four of us read it to ourselves.

"I'm definitely down to help you!" Ethan exclaimed.

"Yeah, Seán! This seems like a perfect opportunity!" Wade added. Bob raised his bottle of beer up.

"To the plan!" He cheered. The rest of us clinked our drinks with him, cheering to the future success of Seán's master plan.

- Back at the House -

- Y/N's P.O.V -

Laughter and giggles filled the table as we all wrapped up the decorating of the cupcakes. Mika had cracked open a red wine bottle and poured herself a glass. Suddenly, Amy's phone began to vibrate. She glanced at the contact name before turning to us who stood there curious.

"It's Mark. I'll be right back!" She told us stepping away from the kitchen. I shrugged it off.

"Hey, Y/N!" Xena's voice called out to me. I turned around to her, they had a devilish smile on their face.

"Hmm?" I asked. They tapped my nose and suddenly a white cream sat upon it. I wiped it off to smell buttercream whipping frosting.

"Very funny!" I chuckled. I grabbed a tissue to wipe off the remaining frosting.

Amy returned casually a few minutes after. She helped herself to the newly decorated cupcakes before explaining what the call was about.

"The boys decided to come home early. Mark has a tummy ache from the food they ordered. I told them we hadn't started our movie night if they wanted to join us. They didn't seem opposed to doing so. Is that okay with you guys?" She asked.

"I'm okay with it." Mika replied.

"Yeah, it's not a big deal. Might be more fun to watch them piss their pants." Xena joked.

"True. That would be very funny to see."

"I'll mix up some drinks." Mika said opening up the cabinets.

"I would recommend non-alcoholic, Mika. They are leaving a bar and probably had enough." Xena told her.

"Yeah, smart. I'll see what blends of juices and sodas I can come up with."

"Thank you, Meeks!" Amy smiled.

The boys arrived about twenty minutes after Mark's call to Amy. To their advantage, they weren't terribly drunk. Amy helped Mark ease his stomach issues before we began the movie night.

"Hey!" Ethan greeted me with a warm smile and a hug.

"Hi! How was your night?" I asked him.

"It was good while it lasted. I'd rather have Mark feeling in better shape than allow it to get worse by selfishly carrying on." He replied.

"I think we all would. He takes care of us so we should in return." I added.

"I agree!" He smiled. "What about you? How was your time?"

"It was good! We all got along fine- which is expected. Bonded really well, I think."

"That's great to hear."

"Hey lovebirds!" A voice called out to us. We directed our attention to that direction to see Seán chuckling. For the first time, Xena wasn't attached to his hip.

"Hey Seán." We said in unison, heading his way. "What's up?" Ethan asked him.

"Nothing really." He replied. "Just looking for Xena."

"I think I saw them head upstairs. You should check there." Ethan told him. Seán thanked him before heading upstairs.

- Seán's P.O.V -

I left Y/N and Ethan downstairs, slowly advancing higher and higher to the next story of the house by a few steps. I noticed the door to my room cracked with a light open from it. The closer I got, the more I heard a voice talking frantically from it. It was muffled- I couldn't make out proper sentences.

"I'm not gonna do it... I've told you this before! Get out of here... I'll kill you myself-..."

I opened the door to the room to see Xena looking out of our window. They looked startled to see me all of a sudden. They eased up when they recognized me.

"Sorry. My parents called." They told me.

"It's not a problem." I told them. The tension in the room heightened when I realized I had no idea what to say next.

"H-Hey." I choked. Xena looked up at me curiously.

"How about I take you out to the trails through the rocky beach on Friday? Just you and me this time. Around 5pm?" I asked. Xena smiled softly before nodding happily.

"That sounds perfect. Why not?" They giggled. I opened my arms out to them. They came towards me and held me tightly. I rocked them back and forth in my arms thinking and dreaming of that day we are planning.

"I love you." I told them sincerely.

"I love you more." They replied.

"But I love you most." I finished, kissing the top of her head. They smiled happily, grabbing my hand.

"We should join the others." They said. I agreed and allowed them to lead us downstairs once more.

The group got all cozy and snuggled up with the lights off. We had placed the cupcakes that the girls had made earlier on a tray on the table along with tons of drinks that Mika had mixed up for us. Bowls of popcorn and chips were passed around too.

The movies lasted all night. We didn't realize how long it would take to watch all of them until we watched as the sunrise gleamed into the main room. Drained of energy, we all cleaned up and headed to our rooms to get some rest.

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