Promises on the Prize

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A few hours passed while we spent time within the beach house. The group got changed and ready for the carnival tonight. Keeping the hot temperatures in mind, we all collectively wore shorts and either a tank top or short-sleeved shirt. I flipped the mirror in Ethan and I's room to check my outfit out. It had remained faced to the wall anytime we didn't need it.

The denim shorts matched with a white blouse complimented my figure. I felt pretty for a change. The way my legs curved, my bright smile, I was genuinely feeling great about myself.

The door swung open behind me. I turn around sharply to be greeted by Ethan's cheeky smile. I blushed slightly, not expecting him to walk in on me.

"Were you checking yourself out?" He asked playfully.

"No!" I protested.

"It looks like you were!"

"I was just-.. admiring myself and my outfit today!" I huffed. He chuckled to himself.

"That's practically the same thing!" He said.

"As if you're so innocent! Do you want me to remind you about how you check yourself out?" I replied.

"Okay! Okay! We don't need to get into that!" He hushed me frantically. I giggled to myself.

"But anyways," Ethan continued. "You look beautiful, babe."

"Aww! Thank you!" I smiled brightly at his compliment.

"I came in to check if you were ready to head out? The others are waiting out in the main room." Ethan told me.

"Oh! I had no idea!" I began to collect my belongings into a side bag and strapped on some sandals. Once I was ready, I followed Ethan out into the living room where the others sat waiting on the couch.

- At The Carnival -

The day had set into a golden beam that spread out across the acres of the beach and boardwalk. The glistening orange sun greeting us with a warm smile as it's heat graced our skin. Inside the borders of the carnival, kids ran around cheerfully. Couples hand-in-hand spreading their love to one another, and families spending quality time with their loved ones. So much love and happiness all in one place for us to consume.

We spread out into groups to cover whatever areas we chose to and planned to meet up around 7:00pm to grab a bite to eat and finish on the Ferris Wheel. Ethan grabbed my hand eagerly as we remain grouped up with Mark and Amy. We hurried over to some stands with various assortments of games like Hit The Target, Balloon Pop Mania, Ring Toss, and more. Ethan decided to test his luck at Ring Toss.

"It's $1 for 3 rings! If you get 2 on you get to pick a prize!" The man running the stand told him. Ethan paid the fee double time so he and I could have three each. I pinned the pole as my target, fueling my determination to make it. I threw the first one and watched as it spun in the air and miss by a few inches on the left.

Ethan threw his first and scored. He celebrated with a cute "Yeah!" and waited for me to throw my next one. I got into position again and tossed it once more. This time, just barely, hooked around the pole and spun on its way to the base. I did it!

"One for the lady! Nice." The man said. Ethan stepped a bit to throw his and missed it.

"Crap!" He huffed.

"It's okay! I missed one too!" I reassured him. Ethan smiled to himself as he allowed me to make my last shot. A lot of pressure hit me. I want to make this last one. I focused all of my intent, tossed it, and watched in what felt like slow-motion as the ring fell perfectly on the pole. Ethan, nearby people, and the man cheered for me. They let Ethan take us last shot which he ended up missing. I had to choose between a teddy bear or a stuffed duck. I chose the duck for irony reasons. I mean, a stuffed duck! You don't see this everywhere!

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