Left Behind

358 13 14

- TW// Abuse Talk!! -

- Early the Next Day -

We all had risen very early. Today, unfortunately, was the day we had to go back home. Our flight was just in a few hours. We had everything packed and ready to go. Before we decided to go to the airport, we made a quick detour.

Footsteps along the rocky beach that we knew in such a bad light with the morning fog clinging onto us and the bay. Each and every one of us carried flowers in our hands as we drew closer to the memorial Ethan, Amy, and I had made for Xena.

One by one, we set our flowers down along the gravestone, saying our last words before we departed. It killed each and everyone of us that we had to leave. Most of the group knew deep in their hearts that this was the end of their life. A missing and wounded person wouldn't have survived two days on their own without bleeding out to death.. but none of us wanted to admit that that was the hard truth.

Mika, who had been beating herself up for losing someone she cared for deeply, whether they had the most conflict and arguments, Mika saw Xena as her sister. The closest family member to her.

"Xena.." Mika began. "Goddamnit Xe.." She broke. "You're one strong gal. I hate that I wasn't here to fight by your side. If any day we needed you to be strong you did it within an instant.."

Mika paused before she began to lose control of her emotions. "And Xe we all want you to be strong now! If there was any time to do it- it's now! I can't imagine a world where you're not there!"

"Mika..." Amy said rushing over to wrap her arms around her. Mika began bawling in Amy's motherly embrace. Seán stepped forth. We all tensed up knowing Seán's speech would be the most heart wrenching to hear. He comforted Mika with a warm hug.

The two held each other for a moment before Mika followed Amy back to us. Seán turned to the memorial before glancing back at the flowers in his hands.

"I wish I had more to say to you all about how I am feeling." He began. "In a time like this, I still think they're gonna be next to me in the morning when I wake up. At least- that's what I thought this morning."

"I can't say I'll ever give up on them. Whether they have passed or are still somehow alive by a miracle.. I made my decision to be dedicated to them for the rest of my life."

Seán gently laid his flowers along the rocks. Before slowly leaving it behind. He hung his head low as he headed over to Mark. Mark patted his back.

"They'll turn up. The whole county is looking for them." Mark tried to reassure him.

"Let's just go home." Seán said walking through us back to the car. I looked to Mark who sighed deeply. We all remained silent, not knowing what to say. We followed after Seán back to the street a mile away.

The day grew grim and cold. We packed up whatever was left before boarding the bus to take us to the airport. Each step we took closer to the plane was one step further away from the friend we left behind. It almost became too hard to keep stepping forward. It being even more hard for Seán.

I agreed to sit with Seán and Mika to keep them company. Ethan understood that it would be the best idea for the sake of them.

Soon the time came to board the plane. I walked behind Seán to make sure he got on okay. He had been silent the whole time. I didn't want him to turn back.

We arrived to our section. We put our luggage above us in the compartment before seating. I then let Seán sit first by the window, I went in the middle, and then Mika to my side.

Seán only stared out the window as the plan began to progressively leave the ground. I grabbed his hand which directed his attention to me. His eyes sparkled with tears while his face remained pale and grey.

"It's going to be okay." I told him.

"I don't feel like it will be." He replied all choked up.

"You gave me that reassurance when things went south in my life, and they turned out better in the end. I promise the same thing to you." Seán smiled just a tiny bit, nodding his head.

"I just wish there was more I could've done. I wish I didn't stand there like a coward. I could've helped her."

"We all wish we would've done something to help. But we have to remember that in the process, that could've been us or more people shot like that." I replied.

"Why did he choose her? Why? They had just gotten here! They had so much life to live and he just took it." Seán became more frustrated.

"It seemed he had her tied up in his web all along. If this was just one of her disobediences to him, what else did they do to make him give up?" I asked.

"Do you think they were supposed to keep you and Ethan apart after his birthday incident?" Mika interjected. "Xena didn't need to help us but they did. And if Adrian wanted you and they failed to do that, wouldn't he be mad at you guys being back together? Nonetheless be even more angry with Xena for helping?"

"You have a point."

"Remember the Christmas Party? When they said they were 'sick?'"

"Yeah." Seán and I answered.

"Well, when I went to their house, they looked like a wreck. I thought it was over an ex she had years ago that never leaves them alone, but what if Adrian did something?" Mika said trying to piece together this complicated situation.

"Like what?" I asked.

"I don't know." She paused. "Seán?"

"Hmm?" He replied.

"Have you ever seen Xena naked?" Mika asked bluntly.

"Mika! Shh! We are in public!!" I aggressively whispered back at her.

Seán's face that was once pale as snow had flushed with color again. He stared at the ground in embarrassment.

"Why would you ask that?" I asked Mika.

"In case he has ever seen any unexplainable bruises or injuries that Xena can't explain conveniently for them." She said.

"I have seen a few." Seán began. We looked to him as he slowly raised his head. "I thought they were from her dogs roughhousing."

"So you think this whole time Xena was soaking in abuse from Adrian because of all the times they have rejected his demands?" I asked Mika.

"It's a possibility."

"I'm just confused how they came to be. I mean- how did Xena meet Adrian?"

"You don't think.." Mika looked to me with wide eyes.


"It's possible. I mean, I would hate for it to be true but it makes sense!" She replied all freaked out.

"What?" Seán asked.

"I think Adrian is the ex that doesn't leave Xena alone." Mika sighed.

Seán's eyebrows slowly furrowed. He scrunched his face in anger, moving around in disbelief. "Now I want to kill that mother fucker even more." He muttered.

"Seán.." I sighed.

"If I see him again, he's dead." He said huffing as he looked back out the window. Mika and I sighed as we kept looking at the news in case anyone had any leads on their disappearance.

The dark and gloomy day faded into the black of night. The plane had become dimmer with the slumber of the riding passengers. The plane flew above the sleeping clouds into the cold night. Soon, home would be in our reach.

Even if home isn't in reach for everyone...

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