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Win groggily slit his eyes open, immediately shutting them again when light invaded. Squinting his eyes, he rolled onto his back, flinging one arm up and across his forehead. He stared at the ceiling as reality slowly crept back into his mind, realized that was most definitely not the ceiling of his apartment, and immediately sat up.

It took a moment for his wide eyes to survey the room and for his mind to catch up with him before he relaxed.

Then he turned toward the still-sleeping man who lay next to him.

'Wow, he's still sleeping,' Win thought, looking around for a clock. Almost ten in the morning, 'Mmm... Green is probably wondering where I am. Maybe I should call him.'

Win only had enough time to look at the phone before a noise caught his attention. There was a loud knock at the door. Win bent his legs and wrapped his arms around them, contemplating on whether to wake Bright up and let him know someone was at the door or not.

He decided not to, because there could possibly be more things in this hotel he could take advantage of while the true resident slept. Including trying some of those liquors on that fancy mini-bar!

However, when the sound of knocking became the sound of the doorknob jiggling, and something that sounded like the door unlocking, Win was perturbed.

"Bright?" Win whispered, shaking the man's arm.

Win heard the door swing open right as Bright's eyes blinked open sleepily.



Win jumped from the sudden booming voice that resounded through the suite. Bright nearly jumped off the bed, panicked as his mind battled with its awareness.

"Are you he-"

Win observed with unblinking eyes as an older man decked in a suit walked into the doorway and promptly stopped mid-sentence, eyes widening. Win had a feeling he knew who he was seeing just by looks alone, and one glance at Bright's face assured him he was right.

"Father...?" Bright asked, remnants of last night's massage completely invisible within those tensed muscles. Bright's head whipped to the side, looking toward the clock, "Fuck, I didn't set my alarm!"

The man in the doorway was by now flushed with anger.

"You completely ruin a good business deal, you don't return my call, you don't go into work today," Mr. Vachirawit lists off, walking further into the room, "So I come track you down and... this! Who the fuck is he?"

Bright felt like he wanted to crawl into a hole as he turned to look at Win. Thank the Lord blankets were covering certain assets, but this was bad no matter how he looked at it!

"Can you... just leave for a moment? I'll talk to you when he leaves," Bright said, rubbing at his temple.

Mr. Vachirawit's face went red.

"Do you know what could happen if this got out? You'd ruin the Vachirawit name!" Mr. Vachirawit replied, looking near ready to pull his hair out, "What did I do to get cursed with two faggots for sons?"

Win glared at, what he thought, was a pitiful excuse of a father.

Bright clenched his teeth together at the mention of Phukong again. His father was so utterly selfish and greedy. It was the family name he was worried about, not Bright himself.

"I said," Bright growled, "that I would talk to you after he left."

"No, he'll leave right now. And I had better not see his kind around here again," Mr. Vachirawit warned.

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