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Though it went unnoticed, Bright's lips curled up into a grin.

"You would have done more than that," Bright replied rather playfully. Win liked the shift in mood.

"Is that a bad thing?" Win tossed back, his fingers tracing intricate patterns on Bright's shoulders and neck. It was a soft touch, relaxing, yet one that was swiftly driving thoughts of sleep away from Bright's head.

The older of the two was beginning to understand why so many people sought out relationships. His world had always been nothing but business, nothing but trying to out-shine his father. There was no time for something as frivolous as love, so he had never put much thought into it. Sex had been curiosity at its beginning, and then one-night stands from there on out.

Not like this thing with Win was a relationship. Both wanted something, and a deal was made. This was business.

But still... it was nice to know someone was going to be there when you came home, ready to take your mind off the rest of the world, if only for a while.

"... I guess not," Bright replied, grasping the edge of the shirt in between his thumb and forefinger and tugging the fabric upward. A toned stomach stared back at him, and Bright realized the man didn't seem as pale when compared to the crisp white material of his shirt. Tilting his head and leaning forward, Bright placed a tender kiss on the skin inches above the raven's belly button.

Win's roaming hands stilled as near-ticklish kisses made their way down his stomach. His breath hitched when Bright's tongue curiously dipped into and swirled around his belly, sending a pleasant burn rushing through his middle.

Retracting his tongue, Bright tilted his head upwards and locked eyes with Win. With a rather abrupt, yet affable move, Bright wound his arms around the skinny waist in front of him and stood. Win was slightly shaken by the ground suddenly disappearing from his feet, but immediately relaxed when he was hoisted on top of the piano. In their maneuver, Win's feet had clumsily fell on the keys, striking a mixture of disassociated notes that hung in the air.

Pulling his shirt up more, Bright bent down and captured a nipple between his lips. Win's hands flew to the man's brown tresses, running his fingers through them and offering a small moan when a thumb joined in by rubbing insistently against the nub not under teeth and tongue.

"... not that I'm not enjoying this... but I think I'm supposed to be pleasing you?"

It was meant to be a teasing statement, but came out like more of an unsure question. Win watched warily as Bright pulled back and looked up at him once again.

"Has anybody ever asked you what you wanted?"

Win blinked.

"... not really," Win muttered. Why would someone pay money and then ask what he wanted? It didn't work like that.

"Hm," Bright mumbled, gaze falling down to the small, hardened nub as his finger gently swept over it again. He then lowered his hands to Win's pants, letting the crumpled shirt fall back down unceremoniously, "Yeah. Me either."

Win's eyebrows furrowed, mind trying to concentrate on the sentimental statement, but the hands unzipping his pants were entirely too distracting. This affectionate atmosphere was making him feel weird, anyway.

"... well, I wasn't expecting something this forward from you," Win said slyly, settling back into his normal teasing routine. A small blot of color appeared on Bright's cheeks, but he did not hesitate as he cupped his hand around the small bulge in Win's boxers and stroked. Win's eyes slipped closed, a light hum making his lips tingle as his hips reeled forward to meet each movement. He would occasionally move enough to accidentally strike another key, sending a random music note through their ears.

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