Chapter 31

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Really tiny chapter. I wanted to update today so this is what I got done... Anyways, I'm probably going to make this book about 50-60 chapters long, just FYI, so everyone knew the time frame thingy. :) And I'm staying home sick today, so I'll probably update a lot. Comment and vote! :) thanks
Song: Without You (Lana Del Rey) -Demo

Adam spent the night at my new apartment. And it's a good thing he did because I was kind of afraid to be there all alone at night, especially on the first night. I'd get used to it though. Plus, I could always have Evan come stay with me.


I totally forgot.

I checked my phone, I had one text from Holly and one from Evan.


I love you too. x


Ooh, when are we having a party? Love you too girl :)

I sat up in bed, admiring the beautiful ocean and the light, warm sun beaming against the waves. It was incredibly gorgeous. Nature was gorgeous.

I got up, and walked out into the kitchen. Adam was still asleep on the couch, wrapped up in a few blankets. His blonde hair glowed when the sun hit it.

I was going to make pancakes, until I realized that I had no dishes. Shoot. I totally forgot to stop and get some from Walmart last night.

I changed into more appropriate clothes and left Adam a note, telling him that I was going to get some things and that I'd be back in an hour. Heck, he'd probably still be sleeping in an hour.

I went to the Walmart about 15 minutes away, and found the perfect set of dishes and plates. I also found a few pots and and pans and glasses and silverware, for cheap.

After I got all of my stuff, I stopped at Holly's.

"Hey." Holly smiled and gestured to come in.

On the couch sat Drew. He lightly waved to me.

"Hey guys." I smiled.

"So how are you? How's the new place?" Holly asked.

"New place?" Drew asked.

I nodded. "Bought my own apartment on the beach."

"What? Seriously?"

"Yeah." I said.

"When's the party?" Drew chuckled.

"Actually," I gulped. "Tonight. Come over, and bring whatever you want. Food, drinks. Doesn't matter."

"Sweet," Drew seemed excited. "So I can bring some friends?"

"Um, yeah. Sure." I gave in. But I knew it would be a bad idea.


"Okay," I grabbed my keys. "Adams there now, probably wondering where I am, so I'm gonna get going. Text you guys the address?"

"You got it." Holly smiled.

When I got back, Adam was awake, watching Spongebob SquarePants on the tv.

"Hey, where'd you go?" Adam asked.

"Walmart. Needed to get some dishes."

"Oh, cool." Adam said.

I was almost ready to make pancakes. I washed the dishes and had everything set out. Except I was missing one important thing: ingredients. I had no food except leftover pizza. That was it. I'd have to go shopping again. Dang, this living on my own thing is tough.

"How about we just go to like, IHOP or something?" I sighed.

"No food to make pancakes?" Adam laughed.

"Yeah, no food." I rolled my eyes.

Adam stood up. "Invite Evan."

"What? No, it's just you and I."

Adam playfully rolled his eyes at me.

I sighed and took out my phone, texting Evan.

Hey, Adam and I are going to IHOP and you're more than welcome to come. Meet us there at 10:45 :)

"There, you snotty brat." I chuckled.

"Whatever." Adam said.

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