Chapter 42

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Song: Wrecking Ball (Caked Up Remix) So, tomorrow might be my last updates for a few days because I have Finals coming up, and I have a lot of studying to do. Anyways, enjoy this chapter xoxo

"So, who's hosting the New Years party?" Drew cracked open a can of soda.

Holly and Drew had come over to hang out, and Drew wanted to discuss New Years, which was in two days.

I shrugged and grabbed a handful of trail mix out of the bowl on the coffee table. "The question is, who wants to host?"

"Ugh," Holly spoke up. "Nobody wants to have a stupid party, Drew. After almost every one, someone gets hurt. Physically or mentally."

"True." I said.

"Fine, I'll host." Drew rolled his eyes.

"Don't roll your eyes, you're the one who wants to have a party." I looked at him.

Drew ignored me. "So, Evan, how do you like living on the sunny beach now?"

"Well," Evan took a drink of his Sprite. "It hasn't been sunny, considering its winter."

"Right." Drew looked down.

I stood up from the floor, and walked over to Evan. I sat in his lap and gently rested my head against his chest.

"Daddy Evan to the rescue." Drew joked.

I rolled my eyes at Drew. He was being a jerk today.

"What? I was joking, Aurora!" Drew laughed.

"Drew, stop." Holly frowned at him.

"C'mon baby," He stood up and walked over to her, kissing her head. "Love you!"

Holly just looked at him.


The party was being held at Drew's house. His parents went to New York for New Years. Kevin came, and I even saw James there, and Conrad. But, I held tight to Evan the whole time.

Around 11pm, I went to get me and Evan some drinks. I walked into the kitchen, only to see Conrad. We made awkward eye contact, then I turned around, without getting any drinks, and started walking away.

"Aurora." Conrad said. Great.

I spun around. "Hey."

"How've you been? You haven't called me." He looked at me.

I walked towards him, filling up mine and Evan's cups. "Um, yeah, I'm sorry."

"Is everything ok?" Conrad asked.

I nodded. "Everything's better."

"That's great."

"Yeah. Listen, I'd love to stay and chat, but someone's waiting for me. I'm sorry." I gulped.

"Okay, see you." Conrad lightly smiled.

I quickly removed myself from that situation and found Evan, handing him his drink. We danced and talked and joked around until 11:59 hit the clock.

"Aurora! It's almost midnight!" Holly yelled at me, happily.

I nodded and grabbed Evan's hand. "I know."

And then the countdown started.


Evan grabbed my face and kissed me passionately. Our first kiss of 2014.

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