5: Adoption Center

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Little Note: There's no chapter 4 because Mista is in this chapter

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Little Note: There's no chapter 4 because Mista is in this chapter.


"Oi Melone, seriously? This is the third time this week you brought a girl here and it's only Tuesday! "

"I don't even know how she got behind my bike! She just popped out of nowhere! "

A groan was heard from your dry throat as the voices ceased, your eyes slowly fluttering open.

'Wait . . . i fell asleep? '

Suddenly, your body jolted upwards and your eyes frantically traveled around the room. Seeing you're not in someone's basement and is in a rather decent living room, you breathed a sigh.

Well, not until you realize that you're in a living room and you're practically homeless now.

"Ohhh no. "

Feeling a strange presence behind you, you yelped as your fist shot out, hitting an unfamiliar blonde man right on his nose. He stumbled a few steps away as you distanced yourself from the sofa where you used to lie, while he held his bloody nose and whispered curses under his breath.

Strange men came popping behind the sofa when a guy with green hair rushed to aid the man. You immediately got into a stance, holding out your fists in front of you as they stared in amusement.

"Who are you guys and where am i?!"

They all looked at one another with confused glances before setting their eyes back at you.

"Sweetheart, we should be asking you that question instead. ", Said a tall brunette whose clothes looks like a mattress as if his mom was the one who bought the latter for him last Christmas.

He's actually quite attractive, but his taste in fashion quite threw you off.

"Yeah, like who are you and how did get on top of Melone's bike for instance. ", A man with a strange buzz cut chirped in, his eyebrow raised as he eyed you.

Now, that one is doing pretty decent with his strange coral red leather jacket, green mesh top and tight black pants. The piercings around his face and ears made him pop even more.

"Oh and that's me, just in case you forgot what i look like. ", Familiar lilac hair came into view when the man named Melone took the spotlight.

Okay, first of all, who the hell names their kid or themselves Melone?

Second, damn . . . his sunglasses are cool and is even cooler when paired with his purple turtleneck tank top and the chains on his pants but his name kind of ruined it all for you.

Lastly, oh shit, you really did fell asleep.

"Oh. ", Was the only thing you could muster in response as the man in the back cursed you out before walking away to tend to his nose, giving another blonde to speak.

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