Twenty Eight: Diabolism Part One

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Six months later. Lotus Pier, Yunmeng.

Nie Huaisang stares at the four-meter tall tree across Jiang Cheng's yard with a confused look on his face. He knew there was something strange here, but he just couldn't point out what exactly. "Hmmn..."

"Sect Leader Nie," It was Lan Xichen, arriving with the two juniors, Lan Sizhui and Lan Jingyi, who gave Nie Huiasang the courtesy of bowing. "When did you arrive?" Lan Xichen asked.

"Not long ago," Nie Huaisang answered, "How about Zewu-Jun?"

"Wangji, difu, and the juniors arrived last night."

Nie Huiasang wanted to point out the fact that Lan Xichen excluded himself from the group who arrived last night. Perhaps he didn't travel with them? So, is it true that the Sect Leader Lan basically lives in Lotus Pier now? "I see," Interesting.

"Should we head inside? Wangji is waiting for you."

Nie Huiasang nodded, and as he followed the older Sect Leader, he looked back at the small tree again with brows meeting in confusion.

It was not until Lan Jingyi noticed him staring, and the younger male leaned in and whispered, "Hanguang-Jun got drunk a few months ago and cut the huge magnolia tree." He explained.

Nie Huiasang's mouth fell so wide he had to hide behind his fan. So, that is why seeing that small tree felt so strange to him like something is out of place. It was the huge magnolia tree that colors Jiang Cheng's yard with whiteness whenever it blooms. That tree even survived after Wen Chao burned down Lotus Pier back then.

Looks like nothing can get past the new Chief Cultivator if it gets on his wrong side. Even a treasured tree. This is why Nie Huaisang is here right now. He needs to report to Lan Wangji about his recent findings.

Really, Lan Wangji never misses a thing. Whatever happened back in Phoenix Mountain with the juniors will never go unpunished.

"Hanguang-Jun replanted that small tree," Lan Jingyi continued, "At this rate, that tree will start blooming for Sect Leader Jiang's grandchildren."

Nie Huaisang snickered at the young Lan's remark because that would be so true. If only the recent rumor about the Sect Leader Lan and Sect Leader Jiang would not counter that. Which reminds him, "Jingyi, did Sect Leader Lan not travel with you from Gusu?"

"Huh?" Lan Jingyi got visibly puzzled with the question, his head falling a bit to the side, "Zewu-Jun has not returned to Gusu for a few months now. It has something to do with night-hunting with Sect Leader Jiang."

"I see," In simpler terms, the two prominent Sect Leaders have really become cultivational partners. Nie Huaisang commented, wondering when the official wedding was going to occur.

But that's another thought for another day.

Inside the Sect Leader Lan's receiving hall, everyone seemed to be waiting for Nie Huaisang apart from Wei Wuxian and Jin Ling who were arguing about the most trivial things on their way in. The two only stopped when they noticed Nie Huaisang. Jin Ling gave his senior Sect Leader a courtesy bow while Wei Wuxian sent a nod to his former classmate.

They all gathered around a long table, hot teas, and sugary biscuits to accompany this discussion. Everyone was quiet, knowing full well that Nie Huaisang's appearance in Yunmeng after not hearing from him for months meant he had accumulated enough information to gather them like this.

Awkwardly, Nie Huaisang took a sip from his tea, thinking deeply about how to start. A few months ago, Lan Wangji had entrusted him with a task - no, rather, Nie Huiasang had offered he would look into the matter on his own. Not that he was desperate to gain the Chief Cultivator's favor by doing so, it was more to the fact that this matter occurred without him realizing. Indeed, having been played by someone else is not a pleasant feeling. He knows that pretty well, having been both the victim and the instigator.

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