Five: Lotus Recesses Part One

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A howl in the chasm, so loud it bounces back to every hollowed space in the woods

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A howl in the chasm, so loud it bounces back to every hollowed space in the woods. The grunts and laughter from young men all stopped, all eyes now shrouding in fear almost instantly.

The breeze in the clearing changed, almost stand-still.

The woods now covered in complete darkness as the howling intensified. Malign air casing the grounds that it was hard for anyone to move their feet away, completely rooted to where they stood.

Except Xian Yin and his young friends. "Not again! Outta here!" His voice echoed behind the shrubs as he and his friends all disappeared from where the sound seems to originates.

"Xian Yin!" Wu Yang was left dumbfounded and was about to come follow, but Lan Sizhui and Jin Ling held his arms, having been clued in what that howling does to people.


Seriously. Wei Wuxian shook his head, "Lan Zhan."

"Hm." Quick in his feet, Lan Wangji followed after Xian Yin and his friends before they would get in real trouble this time around.

Lan Wangji could hear the young men's heavy footsteps as they ran further away. It's unbelievable how they can run this fast for a bunch of ordinary people, but then again, when adrenaline kicks in, one can do the most impossible thing known to men. That applies to this situation.

He can't blame these young men. Having to see a yinghaishi in the flesh is horrifying. Seeing a yinghaishi is one thing, but having to be paralyzed overnight by that demon is another. It's torture. When paralyzed, a person's mind remains, which is the more terrifying for all that person can think of is the possibility of being devoured.

Eight years ago, a demon appeared in the region near Qinghe. It had devoured countless humans, both cultivators, and the town folks. The name yinghaishi, infant-eater, was given soon after as cultivators realized that the demon had the appetite for devouring unborn infants straight from the mother's womb while leaving the mother unharmed. How the demon does that, no one knows. If a demon could not find any pregnant women, it preys on any human being it comes across. The demon at least requires two humans to devour each night, leaving severed bodies on its wake.

Yesterday morning, through his husband's honest concerns about not seeing the maiden that works in the inn, they found out the maiden recently lost her unborn due to an 'accident'. Since mothers who fell victim to yinghaishi's attack, go through paralysis and all the while induced with anesthetic substance unique to this demon, before their unborn babies get taken away, they would not be able to tell how they miscarriage.

Yinghaishi is a demon of every mother's nightmare.

Lan Wangji already had a suspicion. Counting the GusuLan sect's reports about miscarriages around this area, getting ill after consuming produce, only leads him to think that they might be facing a yinghaishi.

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