Final Chapter 18: Lost and Found

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Y/N's P.O.V.:

We all run inside the maze in a group. Thomas leading us through the maze. All the scary flashbacks I had from that night in the maze hunted me but I did my best not to think about them. I was trying to focus on Chuck that I had swore to protect so I was running behind him even though I could run faster. At times Thomas tried to motivate us by saying 'just a bit more' or 'almost there'. Newt was running next to me. After hours of running we made it. We hid at the corner before the pathway that lead to what we assume was the entrance. Thomas peeked from the corner to see if there was any potential danger.

"Is there a Griever?" Chucked asked.

"Yeah" Thomas answered quietly.

"You take this Chuck" Said Minho and gave him what apparently was the key to the exit. "And stay behind us" He finished.

"It's okay just stick with us" Said Teresa, tied her hair back and held my hand indicating that 'us' was me and her.

"When this gets close to the door it will activate and the door will open alright we stay close we stick together, we get through this we get out now or we die trying" He instructed/motivated us. For a split second we made eye contact and I felt a knot in my stomach. Something was going to go wrong. I could feel it. "Ready?" He asked and everyone got ready to fight including me. "Alright...LET'S GO!" He said and we charged at the door.

There was no turning back and this sensation, this feeling in my stomach grew bigger and bigger. We all screamed as we run towards the griever, it was the only thing standing between us and freedom. Teresa Chuck and I were in the back where we could be safe. The boys charged at the griever attacking its lower part of its body and lifting it up making it stand to its back feet and managing to get it out of the way. Unfortunately yet expectedly the griever didn't let us go, instead it attacked us and the boys tried to hold it back with their shafts. The griever attacked with its tail and grabbed Jeff.

"JEFF!" I screamed and run toward him while he was send flying by the Griever. I run as fast as I could and held his hand at the edge of the path. Despite his small body he was heavy and it felt like someone was trying to rip my hand apart but I wouldn't let go. Jeff was one of my best friends in the Glade. He was there for me to advice me to cheer me up to be with me. I couldn't. My eyes started tearing.

"Try to hold on until someone comes to help" I instructed him and looked back to see if someone was coming. Everyone was busy fighting the griever though.

"Y/N" Jeff said and grabbed my attention "Let go" he said and also started crying.

"No! Someone will come just hang in there! Don't you dare let go" I ordered him as my tears wouldn't stop filling my eyes. Our hands started getting sweaty but I still wouldn't let go.

'I refuse to let you go Jeff, someone please come quickly'

I wished in my head. I closed my eyes and focused on my hand. No matter what I shouldn't let go but then we heard multiply more growls coming from every directions.

"Y/N YOU HAVE TO LET GO!" He ordered me.

"NO HOLD ON!" I screamed back at him but then I felt his hand slipping away.


I looked at Jeff. He was smiling.


"Goodbye Y/N" He said and started falling down until his body reached the ground

"NOO!" I screamed and reached out to him even though he was far out of my reach "JEFF! NO!" I screamed and stayed on the ground. Newt run to me and lifted me up

"Pull yourself together it's not over!"He screamed and even though it was kinda harsh he was right. I wiped the tears off my eyes and followed him back with the rest of the boys that were fighting two other grievers that had appeared. Teresa and Chuck had opened the first door and were now facing a round metal one. I was looking at the boys unable to do anything seeing them dying one by one.

"THOMAS WE NEED A CODE 8 NUMBERS!" Teresa yelled from behind me. Thomas said something to Minho and then Minho started saying the code.

"7,1,5, 2,6,4" He screamed when a Griever attacked him and fell on top of him. The boys having two more grievers to fight were struggling to help him. I looked around, no one was able to help him. No one I had to and so, I did. My heart was beating faster and faster with the idea of what I should do. I had no equipment and so I did the only thing I could think of. I went next to Chuck and then started running towards the griever trying to gain momentous and when I reached the point I needed I jumped at the Griever sending him away from Minho and out of the path to the oblivion and with it so did I. I was falling. Minho tried to catch me but didn't make it. I heard a boy yelling my name. I didn't understand who he was. Time stopped for me. I closed my eyes and waited for my body to reach the hard stone floor. Instead I landed to something squishy and hard at the same time. I couldn't move. My whole body was paralyzed. I felt the warm blood reaching my right ear. Everything was moving slowly. All the sounds had stopped and had been replaced with a continuous beeping. My eyelids were getting heavier and heavier. My head hurt and flashbacks from my life before the maze made their way in my head. I started remembering everything. Who I was ,my family, what they did. I started crying again but I almost couldn't move my eyelids anymore to let the tears run down my face. My breathe got heavier and slower. My heartbeat got slower. A million thoughts filled my brain.

'Will they be okay? Am I going to die? Was there really nothing else I could have done? I hope everyone else manages to get out safely at least... Chuck has to get out to find his parents. Thomas has to go out he deserves it after everything he has done, Newt has to go out to finally be free and smile with this charming smile of his, Minho has to go out and run free again, everyone deserves to go out. Rose deserved to go out she was the kindest most generous happiest person I ever met.'

I thought without exactly understanding what the point was. My eyes were now half open and I finally let them close. With the last remaining of my power I tried to speak.

"Rose, Newt, Chuck, Minho, Jeff, Ben, Alby, Teresa, Thomas I'm sorry"

'For the empty hopes I gave you, the lies I fed you with, all the promises I couldn't keep, please forgive me'

I though and finally let myself go.

Third person's P.O.V.:

There is a woman with brown hair and eyes in a helicopter together with a small team three men and two young girls. She is making sure they are alright. One of them is blonde with light skin and brown eyes.

"Am I hurting you?" The woman with brown hair asked.

"I'm quiet alright thank you miss" The girl with blond hair said with a British accent.

Next to her was sitting a girl with tanned skin dark brown hair and eyes. She was sitting silently. As the woman with brown hair was patching up the blond girl a beeping sound came out from her pocket. The woman reached out in her pocket and got out a strange gadget that looked like a detector. The screen was dark but there was a red dot somewhere on it. The woman smiled.

"Finally I have found you my daughter....Y/N"


Hey people. I was on a roll today so here is the last chapter of the first book. I'm so thankful to you guys because without your support I wouldn't have done any of these. Thank so much for the love and support you have shown me all this time. Hope you enjoyed that chapter as much as I did.


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