Chapter 2: The Bonfire

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(Y/N)'s P.O.V.:

    The way to the bonfire was quite funny may I say. My new friend was nice and it seemed like I was right from the beginning. Hi IS a prince. I really wanted this moment to last forever but we had reached our destination.
    There were boys everywhere sitting, chatting and laughing while drinking some...uh... yellow weird looking drink. In the middle there was tall tower out of logs on fire. I looked around a little more when I noticed a mob of boys looking at something.
   "What is there?" I asked Newt looking at the mob.
   "Oh it's a fight. You see the guy over there?" He says and points at the guy I first saw when I came here.
    "The guy with the weird eyebrows who "greeted" me here, yes."
Newt chuckled.
    " Yes that one that's Gally and the other guy is James. The circle around them? Do you see it?."
I moved a bit to see it.
    "Now I do."
    "That's the arena and these two fight. The rules are simple you have to to push the other person out of the circle or keep him to the ground for ten seconds." He explained.
    "Wait aren't we supposed not to hurt another glader?" I asked confused.
    "Well yes but this is different. It's so.e sort of a game."
    "I see. So-"
    "Hey Newt come over here!"I was cut mid-sentenced from a boy who called Newt.
    "Be back in a minute love" He smiled and went and sat with a group of boys leaving me all alone.
Wait did he just call me love?!
     "Hey Greenie!"
  A chubby boy with curly hair came and sat next to me. He was about fourteen years old, maybe less.
  'What is a boy his age doing here?'
   "Hey um..."
   "Chuck." He introduced himself.
   "Hey Chuck nice to meet you I'm...
Yeah I forgot I didn't remember my name."
The boy chuckled a bit.
   "Don't worry it's fine. Nice to meet you too." He said and gave me his hand to shake and of course I did.
   "So" he started "how was your first day here so far?"
   "Oh please don't remind me" I said a bit indignant.
   "That bad?" He asked.
   "Well, worse. But I think it's improving." I said and smiled.
   "That's good to hear. You know my first day was also bad. I cried a lot and...well yeah it was bad. The point is everything got better the second day."
   "I hope you are right."
   "I am, you'll see." He gave me a reassuring smile. There was something about it. Something
   "Oh hey Chuck" Newt had returned and he was holding two glasses of the yellow weird looking drink. 
Aren't I the best at descriptions?
    "Hey Newt." Me and Chuck said the exact same time. I started looking for something around me one word was repeating itself inside my head 'red red red' and when I spotted something red I grabbed it.
    "JINX!" I literally yelled.
What did I just do? I have no idea. I did everything instinctively. I looked back and saw two very confused boys (Chuck and Newt) looking at me.
   "What the shuck?!"
  I heard a voice coming from above me and wished that I wouldn't have grabbed someone's shirt. I looked up and saw a boy looking down at me with a confused and scared look on his face then I looked at what my hand had grabbed. Well the good news are that I didn't grabbed his shirt so I'm safe right! Wrong. I had grabbed something way worse. I had grabbed his pants.
   'What have I done'
  At that moment I could feel me cheeks turning red. I let go of his trousers and got up embarrassed knowing I had an explanation to give.
    "I-I can explain." I said and realized that almost everyone from this group of boys was looking at me. I tried to find the best explanation I could but I couldn't think of anything. Suddenly it hit me.
    "IT'S A GAME!" I yelled from excitement without noticing it. When I did I got redder even though I don't know wether this was possible.
    "It's a game." I repeated this time softer. "You see when you and another person say the exact same thing at the exact same time you have to find something red touch the red thing you found and the say the word jinx. When you do so the other person has to stay still until you say his name. If he moves before you say his name he is unlucky for the day. If he manages to stay still until you say his name then he is lucky for the day." I finished and smiled in my attempt not to look so awkward. To my surprise everyone started laughing and I got back to my seat.
   "Really pants?" Newt said teasing me.
   "Ugh stop it will you?" I said still embarrassed from the umm unpleasant event.
   "Well if I were you I would have touched my face." He said and continued laughing.
  I softly punched his arm.
   "Stop it!" I demanded but he continued laughing. He didn't stop until five minutes later. Then he looked back at me.
   "Why red though?" He asked and tried to catch his breath.
   "Well I guess this is just the game.  No reason seriously or there is one that I don't remember."
   "Yeah I guess." He said and I noticed something. Chuck hadn't talked the whole time.
   "What's happened to him?" I asked seeing Chuck frozen with the same confused expression he had before.
   "He is waiting for you to say his name he doesn't want to be unlucky."
  "Oh I see." While saying that an evil grin appeared on my face, I really wanted to make him move but he is one of the few people I liked here.
  "Ok Chuck you can move now." The moment I said that he moved.
  "Yess thanks Greenie. I'm lucky now right?" He asked excited.
   "Yes you are Chuck." His enthusiasm made me happy too. It was cute. Then another idea came to my mind an evil one. "Hey Newt!" I said " I know what your favourite food is..." I said having this evil smirk on my face again.
   "Oh really, what?" He asked
   "Newtella." I said and started laughing. Chuck joined too.
   "Ok guys stop it. That's not even funny." He said kind of embarrassed.
   "You mean that's newt funny" I "corrected" his sentence and both Chuck and I laughed more.
    "Guys stop it really is not funny." He tried once again to calm us down. Then Chuck stopped.
    "I'm sorry Newt it's just that we cannewt stop" he said and we laughed harder.
   "I bloody hate you, you shanks!" He said and crossed his arms but in the end he gave in too.
    When we all calmed down we started talking about random stuff. Newt and Chuck (mostly Newt) answered some questions regarding Glade when a boy's voice I didn't recognize coming from where the match was happening.
   "Why don't we have the Greenie have the next fight? What do you say Gally?"
   Everyone now was looking at the boy in a way that said: can you just stop talking. Then another boy whispered something to the boy's ear. The boys eyes widened and looked directly at me. I got up.
   "I would like to try." I said. Now everyone was looking at me with their mouths open, even Gally.
   'I need to stop talking ' I thought but it was too late.
   "Oh ok...come over here then I guess" Gally spoke. I walked towards him and stopped only when I was inside the circle.
   "So the rules are simple." He started and then continued saying what the point of the "fight" was.
   "Ready?" He asked.
   "As I'll never be." I answered trying to sound confident.
    Someone yelled start. The moment he said that Gally dashed towards me. He was aiming for my tights. I got out of the way and at the right moment I pushed him to the ground. When he hit it I ran and stood opposite of him. He got up quickly and went for my upper body specifically my waist. I got down and used my leg to get him on his knees. When he did I went from behind him and pushed him to the ground once more. Then I remembered that I had to keep him to the ground for ten seconds so I sat on his back and held down his arms and legs.
    "10, 9..." Every single boy had started counting backwards. "6, 5..." I was happy that I was so close to win when I noticed that Gally wasn't trying to get up. "3, 2, 1!". The time was over and I got up immediately. Gally did the same. I was hoping he had fainted or something not because I hate him or anything it's just that since he hadn't fainted he had let me win and hurting my pride is worse than hurting me.
    After my unexpected victory everyone took a moment to realise what had happened. When it sank in they started cheering and some of them lifted me up making me forget my anger. After a while the mob had cleared off and I went back to Newt and Chuck.
   "Well done Greenie, you really did well." The British boy said.
   "Just well? She was awesome!" Said Chuck enthusiastically. I thanked them both and then Newt passed me the yellow drink he had been holding for a while now. I took it and drank it. It was disgusting and addictive at the same time. It also burned my chest. All these combined made me love it for some reason. I continued drinking that stuff until my glass was empty.
   "Another one!" I said and looked at Newt who was looking at me surprised. "what?" I asked him.
   "It's nothing just that no Greenie has ever drank that without spitting it at least once." He said.
   "Oh I see. What is this anyway?"
   "No one knows. It's Gally's secret recipe". Chuck answered.
   "Well no matter what this is and since you guys have survived it I'll drink it." I shook my shoulder as if I said that I didn't care and took another sip of my full of Gally's secret recipe glass.
   "You see these over there?" Newt said trying to start a conversation while pointing at a group of boys.
   "These are the slicers. They um... prepare the animals for the cooks". He said trying not to make so obvious that they literally slaughtered the animals.
   "These over there are the builders." He continued pointing at another group of boys." They have built everything here. The huts, the cookhouse, the watchtower, the slammers everything. They also make sure that our "buildings" won't fall apart and since I know how much you care, Gally is a builder."
He finished having a grin on his face.
    "Oh yeah you see if I didn't know where Gally worked I would go crazy!" I said while he chuckled. I rolled my eyes when they fell on a certain group of people. In the middle there was a fit Asian boy with dark hair.
    "Who are these?" I asked.
    "Oh these are the runners. They run inside the maze and map it. Dangerous but a really important job."
    "Dangerous? How so?"
   Newt's eyes widened as if he realised he had done something stupid.
    "Well..." He shrugged "They might get lost or trip and hurt themselves really bad and other stuff..." He said and gave me a smile that obviously wasn't a real one and made obvious that he was hiding something.
    "And that's Minho! He is the runners' keeper." He said on a successful attempt to change the subject.
   "What's a keeper?"
   "He is something like a leader to a certain job. For example Zart is the keeper of track-hoes, Winston is the keeper of slicers, Gally is the keeper of Builders etc." He finished. I nodded and yawned. I hadn't realised how tired I was until then
   "You sleepy Greenie?" he asked even though he knew the answer. Then Alby got up from his seat.
   "Ok Gladers put off the fire time to sleep!" He announced to the Gladers and everyone went for their hammocks apart from 6-5 boys that took buckets filled with water to put off the fire.
   "Come on" Newt said and pat my back. "Let's show you to your hammock shall we?" He said. I nodded and then went to Chuck to wake him up. I started shaking him softly while calling his name. He groaned a little bit but eventually got up and went to sleep.
    Newt brought me at my hammock which was next to the other boys' hammocks.
   "Unfortunately you have to sleep here until we build a place for you." He said giving me a comforting look.
   "Nah it's ok don't worry." I said and Newt looked at the boys.
   "Hey whoever dares touch her, hurt her or even say something and she comes to complain to me will spend his next two days the least to the slammers got it?" Newt threatened the boys and let me say they were lucky looks can't kill.
   "So I guess I'll leave you to it then." He said and smiled at me. "Goodnight love." He finished and run off.
   I went and layed down at my hammock thinking about everything that had happened today.
  ' Three years in here huh? Well now that I'm here I'll get us all out. I promise.'
  That was the last thought before I fall into darkness then a woman's voice was heard.

Hey people!ok so sorry about the Newt puns I really am😂. Yeah that was actually the only thing I wanted to say. Anyway thank for reading.

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