The Black Phoenix

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It was still early when Hermione woke and the sun was just starting to illuminate her bedroom. Severus was asleep lightly snoring and laying on his stomach. Hermione took the opportunity to admire his form. He had one leg hitched up and it was all she could do to keep her hands to herself. She wanted to touch his gorgeous arse and reach down between his legs to find his treasures but she restrained herself so she could get a better look at the large tattoo that covered a good portion of his back. It appeared to be a black Phoenix with a beautiful flower in one of its talons. Upon closer inspection the flower was a lily. It was in flight and it's long tail feathers were gracefully etched upon his right side landing in the indentation on his right upper buttock. The birds great wings were open as though it were flying. She wanted to ask about the tattoo even though some of its meaning was evident. No doubt the lily was for Harry's mum. The Phoenix was a powerful symbol in the wizarding world. Severus certainly was like a Phoenix rising from the ashes. Maybe it was black to represent himself. It was absolutely beautiful. Maybe she would think of covering her scars with one of her own, but with what she had no idea. Hermione rested her head on Severus' back and traced the feathers of the bird with her finger. He opened his eyes but didn't move. He felt the little witch tracing his tattoo. His cock felt it too. He let her continued until he had to roll over before his prick put a hole in the mattress.

"You're awake early." He said as he opened his arm for her to nestle in next to him.

"I usually wake early." Hermione's fingers snaked their way down to Severus' erection. "You appear to rise early as well." A smirk crossed her face.

Severus rolled Hermione on her back and spread her legs apart with his knees. He looked down on her naked body beneath him.

"Cheeky witch. You're such a clever one aren't you?" Severus teased and bit his lower lip while poking her center with the head of his cock. He knelt his head down and sucked a nipple between is lips. Lightly kissing and sucking it to a stiff peak. Hermione reached between her legs and found Severus' cock. She guided the throbbing purple head into her wet pussy. Severus slowly eased the rest of himself inside her. She was so tight he felt like he would split her. She let out a loud groan as he pushed inside of her hard.

"Uhhhh...fuck Severus!"

"Did I hurt you? Are you alright?"

"I'm perfect...You're perfect...Your cock is perfect....and large." She panted. "Very large."

Severus snorted but found his pace. He reached down between them zeroing in on her clit.

"I want to feel you come on my cock love."

Hermione wrapped her arms around Severus' neck and arched her back. "Faster." She whimpered.

"My cock or fingers?" Severus managed to barely get out the words.

"Your fingers. Rub my clit faster." She was breathing heavy. "Yes that's it, I'm going to come."

"Come. Come on my cock." Severus kept up the feverish pace as her vaginal walls tightened around him as she came. He soon followed with his own stream of come coating the inside of her. A few moments later he pulled out and lay down next to her. Hermione sat up.

"I'll get us some water."

When she returned Severus sat up in bed and took the glass she passed him. Hermione straddled him and wrapped her arms around his rib cage placing her head on his chest. Her hand trailed down behind him where she knew the Phoenix tail feathers were. Severus rested his hands on the top of her thighs.

"Your tattoo is beautiful."

Severus said nothing but kissed the top of Hermione's head. After a few minutes Hermione plucked up the courage to ask about it.

"Is the lily for Harry's mum?"

"It is."

"The Phoenix is you?"


"What was she like? Harry's mum."

Severus did not answer.

"I'm sorry, we don't have to talk about her."

"I can talk about her. I've never spoken about her to anyone." Severus rubbed his hand over his face.

Hermione sat up and looked at him. "I'm sorry, I shouldn't have asked."

"It's alright." He pushed her hair back over her shoulders and slipped his hands around her waist.

"She was sweet, very funny, brave, and kind. She was nothing like that retched sister of hers. She made beautiful magic, transfiguration was her strength. We spent hours entertaining one another as children. She was my best friend."

"That's lovely Severus."

"It was. I ruined things." Severus paused. He studied the curves of Hermione's body less like he was looking at her and more like he was thinking. He stopped at her scar. He picked up her arm and kissed the scar. "Potter...James Potter humiliated me in front of her and I took it out on her. I used this slur against her." Severus ran his thumb over the letters. "Once I joined the Death Eaters it was done. She would never speak to me again."

"You were young Severus. We all make mistakes." Hermione placed her hand over his heart. Severus felt something radiate from her hand. It pierced through his skin just like when she kissed him there. Her magic was healing his heart.

"Hermione. I abhor this word. I would never use it and I hate myself for ever using it. Especially against someone I loved."

Severus stared at her arm. His lip curled up and he snarled. "I would have torn Bellatrix limb from limb had I known she did this to you."

Hermione looked down at the letters that haunted her. "I think I should cover it. It needs to be erased and something beautiful put in its place."

Severus nodded in agreement. He touched her face and smiled at the little witch.

"Would you go with me?"

"Yes, but you should take some time to think about it. It's not a decision to make on a whim. When you're ready I'll make the arrangements."

Hermione smiled and hugged the dark wizard.

"Thank you Severus."

"For what?"

"For telling me about Lily and suggesting I move on from this." Looking down to her arm.

"I wish I could erase it for you completely but you know it's part of why you're so strong. To have survived that monster of a witch takes someone very special Hermione. You know you're very special?"

"You make me feel as though I am."

"Because you are." He kissed her nose then her lips.

Severus held her to his chest while rubbing her back. She was nuzzling his neck placing feather light kisses on his scar. The horrible ugly scar. She accepted it. She accepted him. This little witch was awakening something deep inside of him. She didn't care about his past or what other people said about him. She seemed to understand him like no other person. He was touched that she never judged him for his lifestyle or for his past mistakes. She was a gift. One he did not intend to let go of.

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