A Little Kindness

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Severus did not sleep well that night. If only he could figure how he did not see that the little witch was actually the princess of Gryffindor. What the hell did she think she was doing anyway. Putting herself in dangerous situations. She could have wound up with anyone in her flat. The war was over but there are still plenty of dangerous wizards out there that would love to have a go at the golden girl. Severus for the first time in a very long time felt worry. This wasn't like her. The Hermione Granger he knew was a little know-it-all that couldn't keep her nose out of other people's business.  What happened to her? He let his mind speculate but scolded himself internally for spending too much time on her. Never mind what happened to the little swot, why did he even care. She was an adult and could make her own decisions. Let her suffer the consequences. She was no longer his responsibility.

Hermione told Tabitha she needed to be alone and would talk to her next weekend. The shock of Severus Snape fucking her friend in her own bed was one that she could not erase from her minds eye. She first admonished herself for not realizing who he was sooner but then even as she was recalling the naked man that was in her bed she thought, how on earth would she ever even know that was indeed Professor Snape. She saw nothing of the man who kept his body under lock and key with a million little buttons. This man had a beautiful body. Like it was sculpted my Michelangelo himself. He was lean and had well defined muscles. His hair was longer too, well past those broad shoulders. It didn't look greasy. Actually it looked very soft and shiny. And there was the large tattoo on his back, did he have that at Hogwarts? The man said next to nothing but his identity was undeniable as soon as words escaped his lips. That incredibly sexy baritone gave him away. You could say many negative things about Severus Snape but he had a voice that could make any girls stomach produce butterflies. Hermione laughed to herself recalling Ginny Weasley calling his voice "the knicker soaker." Professor Snape...Professor fucking Snape. Hermione's brain was like a broken record. Did he look like that at school? No, he was pale and thin. Too thin. He looked almost sickly. Then again he was a puppet for Lord Voldemort and Dumbledore. That amount of stress would make any wizard look ill. 


Monday morning reared it's head all too soon. Apparently the weekend wasn't the only thing leaving Severus irritated, but the fact he forgot to pick up more coffee beans from the market. He enjoyed the morning ritual of grinding fresh beans and relaxing at home. Now he'd have to stop at that horrible little muggle cafe with the loud barista named Chad. He knew his name was Chad because every time Severus stopped Chad happily made sure to tell him. Couldn't a man get a cup of coffee without a side of sunshine and chipper Chad.

Severus ordered a double shot of espresso and looked around for a place to sit. The cafe was absolutely packed and there was not a free table in sight. He finally landed on an empty bar stool between a rather large bearded man and a woman with her nose buried in a book. He took his seat with the intention of drinking his coffee and getting the hell out of there. He sipped his espresso and thought chipper Chad did make a really damn good espresso. After a few minutes the bearded man got up to leave but not before bumping into the woman on Snapes other side as he tried to pass causing her to domino into Severus' arm and sending his espresso down the front of his white dress shirt.

"Hey! Look where you're going!" The woman scolded the man who shrugged and said sorry like he didn't mean it. She then turned to assess the damage. With a heavy sigh. "Professor."

She'd recognize that scowl anywhere. "I am so sorry, that man..." Snape cut her off by raising his hand. How is she showing up again? Just when he decided to wipe her from his mind she spills coffee on him.

"It's quite alright Ms. Granger. It was not your fault." He pierced his lips. Somehow she did not believe him.

Severus tried to blot the stain but was making it worse. 'Damn these muggles everywhere, I can't even clean my shirt.' He thought.

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