Chapter 3

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Wanda's pov

Arriving at the kitchen Natasha pulls me over to a chair and tells me to sit down. I do as told and she sits next to me then she starts filling up her plate. When she sees that I'm not grabbing any food she grabs my plate and puts a little bit of everything on there for me. When I make no move to eat she sends me a look that could resurrect the dead. I don't budge so she grabs my fork, puts some eggs on it and brings it to my mouth. "Open up" she says to which I just turn my head away from her. After a while of her trying to get me to eat she says "You need to eat something so open up" I just reply with "You're not my fucking mom" then I stand up and walk out of the kitchen to go back to the room I woke up in.

Natasha's pov

She- this kid did not just say that then walk away from me. I go to get up to scold her but Sam grabs my arm and says "Give her some time to cool off, she's going through a lot right now" "Ughh fine" I respond then finish eating my food. Once I'm done I get up and make my way to Wanda's room only to find her sleeping again. I go to tuck her in but something is telling me not to leave her. So I climb into the bed with her and hold her close to me, then I close my eyes.

I wake up hours later to whimpering and whining coming from the child next to me. I start shaking her to try to get her to wake up but she doesn't. I look around for anything that could help and I see the pacifier sitting on the other side of the bed so I reach over and grab it then I carefully slip it into her mouth. After a couple seconds she calms down. I look at the time and see that it's 8pm and we missed lunch and dinner. I know that she needs to eat something but she's stubborn so I come up with the genius idea to try and bottle feed her. I get up, go to the kitchen and grab a bottle out of the cupboard and fill it with milk and add in some protein powder. I heat it up and shake it then make my way back to her room.

Slowly sliding the pacifier out of her mouth, she whines, so I slip in the nipple of the bottle and wait for her to start sucking on it. Once she does her whole body relaxes. I know if she wakes up she's going to kill me but I needed her to eat something. I look down and admire how adorable she looks while suckling on it and sleeping.

What can I do to make this kid mine?

Wanda's pov

Waking up I feel a body next to mine and something strange in my mouth. When I open my eyes I see Natasha Romanoff laying next to me holding whatever is in my mouth. Pushing it away I see that it is a bottle and I immedentally start yelling at Natasha and cussing her out.

Natasha's pov





At some point her magic started to come out and she picked me up, slamming me against the wall, hard. I was very dizzy for a couple of seconds but when that went away I was just mad.

How could my sweet, innocent, babygirl try to hurt me?!

Wait...? What? She's not my baby, yet.

Either way this behavior will not be toleriated.

Getting up off the floor I storm over to her and grab her. I toss her over my knee all while she is still screaming and flipping out. I deliever 25 quick but hard spanks to her butt. Once I finished she's no longer yelling but crying. Actually she's full on sobbing.

"You don't use your powers against me! I'm only trying to help you! Got it?"

When I received no answer I swat her butt one more time, "got it?"

"Y-yes" she sobbed out.

"Yes what?" I'm really big on manners especially when it comes to children.

"Y-yes ma'am" Wanda responded with a hiccup.

"Good girl" I pull her from my knee so that she was straddling me and I held her tight against me as she cried. Rubbing my hand through her hair and the other along her back to calm her down. "You took your punishment very well kiddo, lets hope you don't need another one any time soon..." Wanda just whimpers in response.

"It's time for you to go back to sleep hunny"

"Please stay with me" Wanda whispers

"Of course, goodnight"

"Goodnight ma'am"

Laying down on Wanda's bed I make sure to keep her firmly pressed on me and I wait until she falls asleep to go back to sleep myself.

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