11: Pranks

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The party was in full swing. People were dancing left and right to music I had never liked. Something about people levitating in the Milkyway. I knew Zane was invited to this party but I didn't see him at all. I was pretty sure that he didn't come. He was not the party type. I was a little anxious of him coming here; most of the party's attendees were some of the worst people in school.

I needed to find Madeline before the guests doubled in number. She mentioned something she needed help with, but she said she'll tell me later tonight when she gets everything done and ready. She planned things more than the devil.

I kind of owed her a lot, though. She was the first person to befriend me when I moved to Rivertown High, and stood up for me multiple times when I got bullied. My first years at this school weren't the best.

She was one of my best friends and despite her crude remarks, shitty personality, evil shenanigans, I had her back. I had only one drink and it was a strawberry smoothie because I didn't want to get drunk. Plus, I had to wake up early tomorrow, and doing so with a hangover would be hellish.

Even though I said I wasn't helping him anymore, I really wanted to be there for him. I was really upset to see that what I thought was in his binder actually wasn't.

It couldn't be. It was too good to be true. I used to call him Z but it doesn't mean that Zane is him. For all I knew it could've been Zorro. Ok not Zorro, but still.

I didn't know what was I madder at: the fact that the drawing I gave Z wasn't in the binder or the fact that I desperately wanted it to be in his binder and not in anyone else's.

I didn't even realize I was in the middle of a dance square. They were all dancing and I was just standing there lost in my thoughts.

Suddenly a hand gripped my arm and pulled me away.

"Gavin, we're ready to go" Lester said.

"Where are we going," I said, following him.

"Madeline said that she'll tell us outside. Casper's with her,"

"Alright." We rushed outside where found them leaning against my car.

"Finally! What took you so long?" Madeline asked Lester.

"It was hard to find him!"

"So what's the matter?" I interrupted their useless argument.

"Okay, so, you know how every year we prank someone from school?" oh yeah, I completely forgot. She patted my car trunk twice "He's ready to go!"

"So what do we do to him? I told you before if it's something really bad I won't do it. I don't wanna hurt anyone,"

"Since when?" I wish I had an answer to that. Well the answer was probably 'since I got to know Zane better and realised how much shit he went through during school' but I just didn't want to admit it. Not even to myself.

"Well, whatever. The guy is in the trunk in his underwear, and he's passed out, and there are five rolls of tape. Just tape him to the flag pole in the school front yard and make sure to not be seen."

"Alright let's go guys, " we all jumped into the car. I revved up the engine and we were on our way.

I was driving silently the whole way there, while Casper and Lester fought over a joke, over who gets to choose the music, over the actual music, and they even fought over whether Darla was hotter than Janine. I didn't even know who they were.

When Casper realized I didn't say anything or speak at all, he elbowed Lester and nodded towards me. I acted like I didn't notice and waited for the-

"So Gavin, why so silent?"

-exactly that.

"Nothing. I just really don't wanna do this
It's wrong." it's not fair. The guy hasn't done anything to deserve this so why be dicks and hurt him?

"Yeah, I'm with Gavin on this one," Casper surprisingly said. I wondered what had been going through his head as much as he did. I wish I knew what went on in Zane's head. I wondered if he thought of me as much as I thought of him. I hated how much I thought of him.

"We're not gonna hurt him it's just a little prank," Lester said annoyingly.

"Would you like to wake up, hungover, in your underwear, taped to a pole in a public place?"

"I suppose not," Lester admitted in defeat. So I guess we weren't doing this after all. I pulled over on the side of the road so we could see if we can get the guy in the trunk to wake up or something.

Casper and Lester were opening the trunk and I was standing behind them. The air was too cold but thankfully I was wearing my letterman jacket so I was pretty warm. Poor guy must be freezing.

"Oh my God," Casper gasped and closed the trunk speedily.

"No fucking way." Lester too. They stood in my way and tried to shield the car away.

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