13: Calm

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I slowly opened my eyes and the first thing I noticed was how my bedroom ceiling is L shaped. I didn't remember it being L shaped. Or white, for that matter. Wasn't my bedroom ceiling blue? The second thing I noticed was that this was not my bedroom. WHERE THE FUCK WAS I?

I quickly stood up, and I probably shouldn't have because pain shot in my head.

I grunted in pain and sunk back down to the pillow. I took a deep breath and slowly got up again. Painful, but tolerable this time.

I looked around. A really big attic room, big flat screen TV, a wardrobe and a dresser, an armchair, Gavin Ross, a desk, wait, what? Gavin Ross? Why the hell was he there? I felt around and realized I was in my underwear. In my underwear. Semi-naked. In what I assumed was Gavin Ross's bed. Why was I in his bed?

"Psst. Gavin," I couldn't even raise my voice louder than a whisper because my head hurt like hell, and to be honest, I didn't wanna wake anyone up and turn this into a bigger dilemma. I eyed the nightstand and found an alarm clock, a lamp, and a deodorant spray bottle. It took longer than I expected to decide whether I should throw the lamp or the bottle at him. I went with the deodorant because I didn't want to kill him before I got my explanation. I saved the murder for later.

It landed in his lap and he quickly shot awake.

"Why did you throw this at me?!" He screamed in panic.

"Would you lower your fucking voice, goddammit," I hissed in pain and slightly rubbed at my temple. I had never drank alcohol or got drunk or anything, but I sure felt like I was hung-over. To think about it now, I didn't remember last night at all. I had no recollection whatsoever.

"Oh shit, sorry. I'll get you something for the pain." he said, leaving the room. He quickly came back with a glass of water, what looked like a piece of bread, and two pills.
I eyed them suspiciously.

"Water, bread, pills, water," He instructed. He reminded me of my mother for a second.

I lay back on the pillow and closed my eyes after doing what he said.

"Aren't you go-" Gavin started, but I quickly interrupted.



"Shushhh," I shut him up again, harder this time. I needed to hear nothing for at least a few minutes, or someone was going to die.

I kept my eyes closed, trying to recall what happened last night. I went to the party with André. My sister drove us there. Loud music, people dancing, and then nothing. Blank.

After what seemed to be about twenty minutes, with my breath and Gavin's being the only audible sounds in the room, I opened my eyes to check what he was doing. He was...watching me. In a very creepy way, might I add. He quickly turned the other way when he noticed, but I could tell he was staring at me.

He was all awkward looks, and he scratched his elbow, which was something he always did when he got shy. How did I know that? I don't know. But it was not creepy that I knew it. Well, maybe just a little, but I didn't care.

He shook his head, asking if he could speak.

I nodded.

"So you're probably wondering why are you here," He spoke, and thankfully, his voice was hushed to a certain level.

"No shit, Sherlock," I tried to hide my annoyance, but it was overwhelming.

"What do you remember?" From the look on his face, he was guilty bigtime. He had something to do with this, I was one hundred percent sure.

I shook my head, "Nothing major. The party," It slowly came to me "A drink. Yes, Madeline gave me a drink and I-I-"

"Yes you what?"

"I can't remember, it's a blank after that. But I do remember something," memories where slowly coming back to me and I didn't like the feeling of blurred memories. "Cold. I was really cold, but then afterwards I was very warm and I wasn't feeling scared anymore. I felt safe and grounded, despite being semi-conscious," Gavin let out a goofy grin at that for some reason, which earned him a weird look from me.

"Anything else?"

"Muffled voices. There were voices talking, something about love or I don't know. I may be confused or hallucinating but I swear I thought I heard your voice yelling at someone. Could you please just tell me what happened?"

A/N: how are you liking it so far? Short update but more soon x.

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